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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing PLET

CHOROPLETHSchoropleths n. Plural of choropleth.
CHOROPLETH n. a map using symbols (often a series of shadings) on geographic subdivisions to represent each subdivision's level in a range of values.
COMPLETABLEcompletable adj. That can be completed.
completable adj. (Mathematics, of a partial algebra) That can be expanded to a total algebra.
COMPLETABLE adj. that can be completed.
COMPLETIONScompletions n. Plural of completion.
COMPLETION n. the act of completing.
COMPLETISTScompletists n. Plural of completist.
COMPLETIST n. a person who wants all of something (esp. a collection of items).
EXPLETIVELYexpletively adv. In an expletive way.
EXPLETIVE adv. filling out.
PLETHORICALplethorical adj. Alternative form of plethoric.
PLETHORICAL adj. having a full habit of body; characterized by plethora or excess of blood, also PLETHORIC.
QUADRUPLETSquadruplets n. Plural of quadruplet.
QUADRUPLET n. a combination of four of a kind.
QUINTUPLETSquintuplets n. Plural of quintuplet.
QUINTUPLET n. one of five children born in one birth.
REPLETENESSrepleteness n. The state of being replete.
REPLETENESS n. the state of being replete.
SUPPLETIONSsuppletions n. Plural of suppletion.
SUPPLETION n. addition; supplement.
SUPPLETIVESsuppletives n. Plural of suppletive.
SUPPLETIVE n. something supplementary.
TRIPLETAILStripletails n. Plural of tripletail.
triple-tails n. Plural of triple-tail.
TRIPLETAIL n. a large marine bony fish, common on the southern and middle coasts of the United States.
UNCOMPLETEDuncompleted adj. Not completed.
UNCOMPLETED adj. not completed.
WHIPPLETREEwhippletree n. A wooden crossbar for a plough or carriage, pivoted in the middle, from which traces are fastened to a draught animal.
whipple-tree n. Alternative form of whippletree.
whipple␣tree n. Alternative form of whippletree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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