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There are 18 ten-letter words containing POLA

APOLAUSTICapolaustic adj. (Formal) Dedicated to enjoyment.
APOLAUSTIC n. the philosophy of the pleasurable.
BIPOLARISEbipolarise v. Alternative form of bipolarize.
BIPOLARISE v. to make bipolar, also BIPOLARIZE.
BIPOLARITYbipolarity n. The state of being bipolar.
BIPOLARITY n. the state of being bipolar.
BIPOLARIZEbipolarize v. To make bipolar.
BIPOLARIZE v. to make bipolar, also BIPOLARISE.
CHIPOLATASchipolatas n. Plural of chipolata.
CHIPOLATA n. a small, often spicy sausage.
DEPOLARISEdepolarise v. Alternative spelling of depolarize.
DEPOLARISE v. to remove the polarity from, also DEPOLARIZE.
DEPOLARIZEdepolarize v. (Transitive) To remove the polarization from something.
depolarize v. (Transitive) To demagnetize.
DEPOLARIZE v. to remove the polarity from, also DEPOLARISE.
INTERPOLARinterpolar adj. Between poles.
INTERPOLAR adj. between poles.
MULTIPOLARmultipolar adj. (Physics, biology) Having more than two poles.
multipolar adj. (Politics) Of or relating to an international system in which a number of states wield most of the cultural…
multipolar n. An electromagnetic machine in which several magnetic poles exist.
POLARISERSpolarisers n. Plural of polariser.
POLARISER n. a device for polarising light, also POLARIZER.
POLARISINGpolarising adj. That which polarises or is polarised.
polarising v. Present participle of polarise.
POLARISE v. to give polarity to, also POLARIZE.
POLARITIESpolarities n. Plural of polarity.
POLARITY n. the possession of two opposite qualities.
POLARIZERSpolarizers n. Plural of polarizer.
POLARIZER n. a device for polarising light, also POLARISER.
POLARIZINGpolarizing v. Present participle of polarize.
polarizing adj. That polarizes.
POLARIZE v. to give polarity to, also POLARISE.
POLAROGRAMpolarogram n. A plot of current against potential produced by polarography.
POLAROGRAM n. a picture taken by polarography.
REPOLARISErepolarise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of repolarize.
REPOLARISE v. to polarise again, also REPOLARIZE.
REPOLARIZErepolarize v. To polarize again.
REPOLARIZE v. to polarize again, also REPOLARISE.
TRANSPOLARtranspolar adj. Extending across, or crossing one of the poles, or a polar region.
TRANSPOLAR adj. across the poles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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