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There are 15 ten-letter words containing PERW

COPPERWORKcopperwork n. Works made from copper.
COPPERWORK n. craftwork in copper.
COPPERWORMcopperworm n. The teredo.
copperworm n. The ringworm.
COPPERWORM n. the shipworm.
JASPERWAREjasperware n. (Ceramics) A form of pottery that has a stoneware body which is either white or colored, which is noted…
jasper␣ware n. Alternative spelling of jasperware.
JASPERWARE n. goods made of jasper.
PAPERWARESpaperwares n. Plural of paperware.
PAPERWARE n. articles made of paper.
PAPERWHITEpaperwhite n. A bulbous perennial, Narcissus papyraceus, native to the Mediterranean region, with fragrant bunches of white flowers.
paperwhite n. A perennial ornamental plant, Narcissus tazetta.
PAPERWORKSpaperworks n. A factory that produces paper.
PAPERWORK n. clerical work; the keeping of records as part of a job.
PEPPERWORTpepperwort n. Any of several species of perennial plant in the genus Lepidium (originally specifically dittander…
pepperwort n. Any of various species of plant in the genus Marsilea, especially Marsilea minuta.
PEPPERWORT n. a wild plant, aka peppergrass.
SUPERWAIFSsuperwaifs n. Plural of superwaif.
SUPERWAIF n. an extremely thin and childlike young fashion model.
SUPERWAVESsuperwaves n. Plural of superwave.
SUPERWAVE n. an exceptionally large wave.
SUPERWEEDSsuperweeds n. Plural of superweed.
SUPERWEED n. a hybrid plant that contains genes for herbicide resistance.
SUPERWIDESsuperwides n. Plural of superwide.
SUPERWIDE n. a very wide camera lens.
SUPERWIVESsuperwives n. Plural of superwife.
SUPERWIFE n. an exceptional wife who combines a career with running a home.
SUPERWOMANsuperwoman n. (Informal) A woman who looks after a home and children as well as being employed in a full-time job.
superwoman n. A woman with superhuman powers.
SUPERWOMAN n. an exceptional woman.
SUPERWOMENsuperwomen n. Plural of superwoman.
SUPERWOMAN n. an exceptional woman.
UPPERWORKSupperworks n. (Nautical) superstructure.
upperworks n. (Slang) head; brains.
UPPERWORKS n. the upper part of a structure (of a ship above the load-line).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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