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There are 17 words containing PIB

PIBALpibal n. (Meteorology) a pilot balloon.
PIBAL n. a small balloon for determining wind direction and speed.
PIBALSpibals n. Plural of pibal.
PIBAL n. a small balloon for determining wind direction and speed.
EPIBLEMepiblem n. Synonym of rhizodermis.
EPIBLEM n. the outer cell layer of the root of a plant.
EPIBOLYepiboly n. (Embryology) The expansion of one cell sheet over other cells, as takes place during gastrulation or…
EPIBOLY n. the process by which one set of cells spreads over and surrounds another by dividing more rapidly, as in gastrulation.
PIBROCHpibroch n. A series of musical variations for the bagpipes, usually martial or funerary in nature.
PIBROCH n. (Gaelic) a dirge or martial theme for bagpipes.
EPIBLASTepiblast n. (Biology, embryology) The outer layer of a blastula that, after gastrulation, becomes the ectoderm.
EPIBLAST n. the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EXODERM.
EPIBLEMSepiblems n. Plural of epiblem.
EPIBLEM n. the outer cell layer of the root of a plant.
EPIBOLICepibolic adj. Of or pertaining to epiboly.
EPIBOLIC adj. relating to epiboly, the process by which one set of cells spreads over and surrounds another by dividing more rapidly.
PIBROCHSpibrochs n. Plural of pibroch.
PIBROCH n. (Gaelic) a dirge or martial theme for bagpipes.
EPIBIOSESepibioses n. Plural of epibiosis.
EPIBIOSIS n. any relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
EPIBIOSISepibiosis n. (Biology) A relationship between two organisms, one of which lives or grows on the other, but is not parasitic on it.
EPIBIOSIS n. any relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
EPIBIOTICepibiotic adj. Living on the surface of another organism.
EPIBIOTIC adj. relating to epibiosis, a relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
EPIBLASTSepiblasts n. Plural of epiblast.
EPIBLAST n. the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EXODERM.
EPIBOLIESepibolies n. Plural of epiboly.
EPIBOLY n. the process by which one set of cells spreads over and surrounds another by dividing more rapidly, as in gastrulation.
EPIBLASTICepiblastic adj. Of, or relating to the epiblast.
EPIBLASTIC adj. of or relating to, or consisting of, the epiblast.
DISCERPIBLEdiscerpible adj. Capable of being discerped.
DISCERPIBLE adj. (obsolete) that can be discerped.
DISCERPIBILITYdiscerpibility n. Alternative form of discerptibility.
DISCERPIBILITY n. the state of being discerpible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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