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There are 18 words containing PEX

APEXapex n. The highest or the greatest part of something, especially forming a point.
apex n. (Figuratively) The moment of greatest success, expansion, etc.
apex n. (Attributive, ecology) The top of the food chain.
CAPEXcapex n. Alternative form of CAPEX.
CAPEX n. (Business, finance) Abbreviation of capital expense.
CAPEX n. (Business, finance) Abbreviation of capital expenditure.
APEXESapexes n. Plural of apex.
APEX n. (Latin) the topmost point.
AUSPEXAUSPEX n. (Latin) a soothsayer of ancient Rome.
ARUSPEXaruspex n. Alternative form of haruspex.
ARUSPEX n. (Latin) a person who inspected the entrails of sacrificial victims in order to foretell the future, also HARUSPEX.
CAPEXESCAPEX n. (short for) capital expenditure.
PERSPEXperspex n. (Britain, New Zealand) Any tough, transparent plastic that is used instead of glass for windows.
Perspex n. Plexiglas.
PERSPEX n. an acrylic plastic consisting essentially of polymethyl methacrylate.
HARUSPEXharuspex n. A soothsayer or priest in Ancient Rome (originally Etruscan) who practiced divination by inspecting entrails.
HARUSPEX n. (Latin) a soothsayer of ancient Rome, also ARUSPEX.
MASTOPEXYmastopexy n. (Surgery) Any operation designed to lift or reshape a woman’s breast.
MASTOPEXY n. cosmetic surgery of breasts.
PERSPEXESPERSPEX n. an acrylic plastic consisting essentially of polymethyl methacrylate.
EPEXEGESESepexegeses n. Plural of epexegesis.
EPEXEGESIS n. additional explanation.
EPEXEGESISepexegesis n. (Rhetoric) An additional explanation or explanatory material.
EPEXEGESIS n. additional explanation.
EPEXEGETICepexegetic adj. Serving as an epexegesis or as epexegeses.
EPEXEGETIC adj. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETICAL.
NEPHROPEXYnephropexy n. (Surgery) suspension or fixation of the kidney.
NEPHROPEXY n. the fixation of a floating kidney.
MASTOPEXIESmastopexies n. Plural of mastopexy.
MASTOPEXY n. cosmetic surgery of breasts.
EPEXEGETICALepexegetical adj. Relating to epexegesis.
EPEXEGETICAL adj. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC.
NEPHROPEXIESNEPHROPEXY n. the fixation of a floating kidney.
EPEXEGETICALLYepexegetically adv. In an epexegetic manner.
EPEXEGETICAL adv. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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