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There are 15 nine-letter words containing POG

APOGAMIESAPOGAMY n. a form of plant reproduction.
APOGAMOUSapogamous adj. Relating to apogamy.
APOGAMOUS adj. engaging in apogamy, asexual reproduction.
APOGRAPHSapographs n. Plural of apograph.
APOGRAPH n. an exact copy.
HYPOGAEALhypogaeal adj. Alternative form of hypogeal.
HYPOGAEAL adj. germinating with cotyledons underground, also HYPOGAEAN, HYPOGAEOUS, HYPOGEAL, HYPOGEAN, HYPOGEOUS.
HYPOGAEANhypogaean adj. Alternative form of hypogean.
HYPOGAEAN adj. germinating with cotyledons underground, also HYPOGAEAL, HYPOGAEOUS, HYPOGEAL, HYPOGEAN, HYPOGEOUS.
HYPOGAEUMhypogaeum n. Alternative form of hypogeum.
HYPOGAEUM n. (Greek) an underground chamber, also HYPOGEUM.
HYPOGENIChypogenic adj. Of or relating to a process that acts from below.
HYPOGENIC adj. formed or occurring beneath the surface of the earth, also HYPOGENE.
HYPOGEOUShypogeous adj. (Biology) Living or maturing underground; subterranean.
HYPOGEOUS adj. germinating with cotyledons underground, also HYPOGAEAL, HYPOGAEAN, HYPOGAEOUS, HYPOGEAL, HYPOGEAN.
LIPOGRAMSlipograms n. Plural of lipogram.
LIPOGRAM n. a piece of writing that avoids one or more letters of the alphabet.
POGROMINGpogroming v. Present participle of pogrom.
POGROM v. (Russian) to massacre systematically.
POGROMISTpogromist n. One who supports, or carries out, a pogrom.
POGROMIST n. one who engages in pogroms.
SAPOGENINsapogenin n. (Organic chemistry) The steroid constituent of the glycoside saponin.
SAPOGENIN n. a compound derived from saponin, often used in synthesizing steroid hormones.
TOPOGRAPHtopograph n. A monument erected in a high place, such as a hilltop, indicating the direction and distance of notable…
TOPOGRAPH n. a type of X-ray photograph.
TYPOGRAPHtypograph n. (Printing, historical) A machine for setting type or for casting lines of type and setting them.
typograph v. To prepare type in such a machine.
TYPOGRAPH v. to produce stamps by letterpress.
ZAMPOGNASzampognas n. Plural of zampogna.
ZAMPOGNA n. (Italian) an Italian bagpipe with two drones and two conical chanters, all in one stock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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