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There are 20 nine-letter words containing PIO

BUPROPIONbupropion n. (Pharmacology) An antidepressant drug which is also given to relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
BUPROPION n. an antidepressant drug used in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
CHAMPIONSchampions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of champion.
champions n. Plural of champion.
CHAMPION v. to defend or support.
COPIOUSLYcopiously adv. In a copious manner; plentifully.
COPIOUS adv. abundant.
DOUPIONISDOUPIONI n. a kind of silk yarn, also DOUPPIONI, DUPION.
DOUPPIONIdouppioni n. Alternative form of dupioni.
DOUPPIONI n. a kind of silk yarn, also DOUPIONI, DUPION.
ECTROPIONectropion n. A condition of loose eyelids, characterized by the turning outward of the lower eyelid.
ectropion n. A condition of the cervix, characterized by the cells of the endocervix being present in the location…
ECTROPION n. an unnatural eversion of the eyelids, also ECTROPIUM.
ENCOLPIONencolpion n. Alternative form of encolpium.
ENCOLPION n. (Greek) a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast, also ENCOLPIUM.
ENTROPIONentropion n. (Pathology) An inversion (turning inward) of the margin of the eyelid.
ENTROPION n. (Greek) the inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids, also ENTROPIUM.
ESPIONAGEespionage n. The act or process of learning secret information through clandestine means.
ESPIONAGE n. the practice of spying.
IMPIOUSLYimpiously adv. In an impious manner; profanely; wickedly.
IMPIOUS adv. not pious.
MULTIPIONmultipion adj. Involving multiple pions.
multipion n. A multiple pion.
MULTIPION adj. comprising many pions, pi-meson particles.
PIONEEREDpioneered v. Simple past tense and past participle of pioneer.
PIONEER v. to take part in the beginnings of.
PIOSITIESpiosities n. Plural of piosity.
PIOSITY n. an excessive show of piety.
PIOUSNESSpiousness n. The condition of being pious; piety.
PIOUSNESS n. piety.
PROPIONICpropionic adj. Of or pertaining to propionic acid or its derivatives; propanoic.
PROPIONIC adj. as in propionic acid, a former name of propanoic acid, also PROPANOIC.
SCORPIOIDscorpioid adj. Of, pertaining to, or appearing like a scorpion.
scorpioid adj. (Botany) Resembling a scorpion’s tail; circinate.
scorpioid n. A scorpion-like creature.
SCORPIONSscorpions n. Plural of scorpion.
Scorpions n. Plural of Scorpion.
SCORPION n. any arachnid of the genus Scorpio.
SEMIPIOUSSEMIPIOUS adj. quite pious.
SEPIOLITEsepiolite n. (Mineralogy) A hydrated magnesium silicate, clay mineral used for carving into decorative articles and smoking pipes.
SEPIOLITE n. hydrated magnesium silicate occurring as a soft white or yellowish claylike mineral; aka meerschaum.
USUCAPIONusucapion n. The acquisition of right or title to an object by means of the passage of time. The common law analogue…
USUCAPION n. the acquisition of a property through long usage, also USUCAPTION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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