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There are 13 eight-letter words containing PAE

ANAPAESTanapaest n. (UK) Alternative form of anapest.
anapæst n. Archaic form of anapest.
ANAPAEST n. (Greek) a type of metrical foot, also ANAPEST.
LIPAEMIAlipaemia n. Alternative form of lipemia.
LIPAEMIA n. an abnormal level of fat in the blood, also LIPEMIA.
PAEANISMpaeanism n. Alternative form of peanism.
PAEANISM n. the chanting of a paean.
PAENULAEpaenulae n. Plural of paenula.
PAENULA n. (Latin) a Roman travelling cloak.
PAENULASpaenulas n. Plural of paenula.
PAENULA n. (Latin) a Roman travelling cloak.
PAEONICSpaeonics n. (Poetry) Verse written in paeons.
PAEONIC n. a foot of four syllables, one long and three short, also PAEON.
PAEONIESpaeonies n. Plural of paeony.
pæonies n. Plural of pæony.
PAEONY n. a showy flower, also PEONY, PINY, PIONEY, PIONY.
PAESANOSpaesanos n. Plural of paesano.
PAESANO n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESAN, PAISAN, PAISANO.
PREPUPAEprepupae n. Plural of prepupa.
PREPUPA n. a stage preceding the pupa.
SCARPAEDSCARPA v. to run away, leave without notice, also SCAPA, SCARPER.
SPAEINGSSPAEING n. the act of foretelling.
SPAETZLEspaetzle n. A heavy egg noodle or dumpling used in the cuisine of southern Germany and Austria.
SPAETZLE n. (German) in Jewish cooking, a small dumpling, also SPATZLE.
SPAEWIFEspaewife n. Female fortuneteller.
SPAEWIFE n. (Scots) a wise woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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