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There are 15 seven-letter words containing PPA

APPAIRSappairs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appair.
APPAIR v. (obsolete) to impair.
APPALLSappalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appall.
APPALL v. to horrify, also APPAL.
APPALTIappalti n. Plural of appalto.
APPALTO n. (Italian) a contract or monopoly.
APPALTOappalto n. A contract to assume another party’s obligation to supply a product or service.
APPALTO n. (Italian) a contract or monopoly.
APPARATapparat n. The Soviet machinery of state bureaucratic administration, or a similar communistic structure.
APPARAT n. (Russian) the structure, mechanism, etc. of an organization, esp. a political one.
APPARELapparel n. Clothing.
apparel n. (Figurative) Aspect, guise, form.
apparel n. A small ornamental piece of embroidery worn on albs and some other ecclesiastical vestments.
CHAPPALchappal n. A type of footwear used in India, Mauritius, and Pakistan, similar to a sandal.
CHAPPAL n. (Hindi) a type of open sandal worn in India.
CHUPPAHchuppah n. (Judaism) The canopy over a Jewish couple during their marriage ceremony.
chuppah n. (Judaism, figuratively) A marriage ceremony, wedding.
CHUPPAH n. (Hebrew) a Jewish wedding canopy.
CHUPPASchuppas n. Plural of chuppa.
CHUPPA n. (Hebrew) a Jewish wedding ceremony, also CHUPPAH, HUPPAH.
GRAPPASgrappas n. Plural of grappa.
GRAPPA n. (Italian) an Italian brandy.
HUPPAHShuppahs n. Plural of huppah.
HUPPAH n. (Hebrew) a wedding canopy, also CHUPPA, CHUPPAH.
KIPPAGEkippage n. (Chiefly Scotland, now rare, historical) Those sailing together on a ship, both crew and passengers.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) Confusion, disorder.
kippage n. (Scotland, obsolete) A fit of temper; rage.
KIPPAHSkippahs n. Plural of kippah.
KIPPAH n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPA.
SAPPANSsappans n. Plural of sappan.
SAPPAN n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPAN, SAPANWOOD, SAPPANWOOD.
SUPPAWNsuppawn n. (US) A porridge made from cornmeal; hasty pudding; mush.
SUPPAWN n. (Native American) a kind of maize porridge, also SUPAWN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: 99 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 218 words
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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