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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing PAE

METOPAEmetopae n. Plural of metopa.
METOPE n. (Greek) a space between two triglyphs.
PAELLASpaellas n. Plural of paella.
PAELLA n. (Spanish) a saffron-flavored Spanish dish of rice and vegetable, meat, chicken, or seafood.
PAENULApaenula n. (Historical) A kind of woollen cloak or mantle used by Romans, worn on journeys and in rainy weather.
paenula n. A chasuble, especially in its older form.
PAENULA n. (Latin) a Roman travelling cloak.
PAEONICpaeonic adj. (Poetry) Of or relating to paeons.
PAEONIC n. a foot of four syllables, one long and three short, also PAEON.
PAESANIpaesani n. Plural of paesano.
PAESANO n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESAN, PAISAN, PAISANO.
PAESANOpaesano n. An Italian peasant or rustic.
PAESANO n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESAN, PAISAN, PAISANO.
PAESANSPAESAN n. (Spanish) a fellow countryman, also PAESANO, PAISAN, PAISANO.
SCAPAEDSCAPA v. to run away, leave without notice, also SCARPA, SCARPER.
SPAEINGspaeing v. Present participle of spae.
SPAEING n. the act of foretelling.
SPAEMANspaeman n. (Scotland) prophet; diviner.
SPAEMAN n. a fortune teller.
SPAEMENspaemen n. Plural of spaeman.
SPAEMAN n. a fortune teller.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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