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There are 17 six-letter words containing PTI

APTINGAPT v. to adapt.
HAPTIChaptic adj. Of or relating to the sense of touch.
haptic adj. (Computing) Of or relating to haptics (“the study of user interfaces that use the sense of touch”).
HAPTIC adj. pertaining to the sense of touch, also HAPTICAL.
LEPTINleptin n. (Biochemistry) A protein hormone produced in adipose tissue; it plays a role in regulating appetite and metabolism.
LEPTIN n. a hormone released by fat cells.
OPTICSoptics n. (Physics) The physics of light and vision.
optics n. The light-related aspects of a device.
optics n. (Figuratively) Perception, image, public relations, especially in politics.
OPTIMAoptima n. Plural of optimum.
OPTIMUM n. (Latin) the most favourable point of any condition.
OPTIMEoptime n. (Cambridge University) A student who graduates with second class ("senior optime") or third class ("junior…
OPTIME n. (Latin) an honour student in mathematics at Cambridge University.
OPTINGopting v. Present participle of opt.
OPT v. to decide or choose.
OPTIONoption n. One of a set of choices that can be made.
option n. The freedom or right to choose.
option n. (Finance, law) A contract giving the holder the right to buy or sell an asset at a set strike price;…
PEPTICpeptic adj. Of, pertaining to, capable of, or aiding digestion.
peptic adj. Of or pertaining to pepsin.
peptic n. An agent that promotes digestion.
PEPTIDpeptid n. Archaic form of peptide.
PEPTID n. a combination of amino acids, also PEPTIDE.
PTISANptisan n. Alternative spelling of tisane.
PTISAN n. (Greek) a wholesome or medicinal drink or infusion, originally specifically made with barley; now (esp.), a herbal tea, also TISANE.
SEPTICseptic adj. Of or pertaining to sepsis.
septic adj. Causing sepsis or putrefaction.
septic adj. Of or pertaining to sewage or the disposal of sewage.
UPTICKuptick n. A small increase or upward change in something that has been steady or declining.
uptick n. (Finance) A stock market transaction or quote at a price above a preceding one.
up-tick n. Alternative form of uptick.
UPTIEDuptied v. Simple past tense and past participle of uptie.
UPTIE v. to tie up.
UPTIESupties v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uptie.
UPTIE v. to tie up.
UPTILTuptilt v. (Intransitive) To tilt upward.
uptilt v. (Transitive) To cause to tilt upward.
uptilt n. An upward tilt.
UPTIMEuptime n. (Computing) The period of time a computer has functioned since last requiring a reboot.
UPTIME n. the time during which machinery is functioning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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