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There are 20 six-letter words containing POP

EPOPEEepopee n. (Rare, literary) an epic, saga.
épopée n. Alternative form of epopee.
EPOPEE n. (French) an epic poem, also EPOPOEIA, EPOS.
EPOPTSepopts n. Plural of epopt.
EPOPT n. someone initiated into the Eleusian mysteries.
JOYPOPjoypop v. (Slang) To use drugs recreationally without becoming addicted.
JOYPOP v. to use habit-forming drugs occasionally.
MAYPOPmaypop n. A type of passionflower, purple in color (Passiflora incarnata).
MAYPOP n. the edible fruit of a passion flower, an oval yellowish berry as large as a small apple.
POPERApopera n. (Informal, music, uncountable) A crossover genre combining elements of pop music and classical opera.
popera n. (Informal, music, countable) A musical or operatic work performed in this style.
POPERA n. operatic music presented to gain popular appeal.
POPGUNpopgun n. Alternative spelling of pop gun.
pop␣gun n. A toy gun that emits a loud pop by firing a cork from a barrel in which a piston slides, compressing…
pop␣gun n. A firearm of unimpressive appearance.
POPJOYPOPJOY v. to amuse oneself.
POPLARpoplar n. Any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus.
poplar n. (Uncountable) Wood from the poplar tree.
Poplar prop.n. (Uncountable) A placename…
POPLINpoplin n. A fabric of many varieties, usually made of silk and worsted; used especially for women’s dresses.
Poplin prop.n. A surname.
POPLIN n. a corded fabric with a silk warp and worsted weft.
POPOUTpopout n. (Baseball) A pop fly that is caught in flight, resulting in an out.
popout n. (Graphical user interface) A user interface element that opens a small separate section in front of the main content.
popout n. (Surfing) A cheap surfboard manufactured from a mold.
POPPASpoppas n. Plural of poppa.
POPPA n. (colloquial) papa.
POPPEDpopped v. Simple past tense and past participle of pop.
POP v. to make a sharp, small, explosive sound.
POPPERpopper n. One who or that which pops.
popper n. (Obsolete) A dagger.
popper n. A short piece of twisted string tied to the end of a whip that creates the distinctive sound when the…
POPPETpoppet n. (Informal, term of endearment) An endearingly sweet or beautiful child.
poppet n. (Informal, term of endearment) A young woman or girl.
poppet n. The stem and valve head in a poppet valve.
POPPITpoppit n. (Engineering) Alternative form of poppet.
POPPIT n. one of a number of linked beads.
POPPLEpopple n. (Dialect) poplar.
popple n. Choppy water; the motion or sound of agitated water (as from boiling or wind).
popple v. Of water, to move in a choppy, bubbling, or tossing manner.
POPPLYpopply adj. Choppy; bubbling; turbulent.
POPPLY adj. like a rippling sound.
POPRINPOPRIN adj. (Shakespeare) designating a variety of pear, also POPERIN, POPPERING.
POPSIEPOPSIE n. a term of endearment, also POPSY.
UNPOPEunpope v. (Obsolete) To divest of the character, office, or authority of a pope.
unpope v. (Obsolete) To deprive of a pope.
UNPOPE v. to divest of popedom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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