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There are 18 six-letter words containing POI

ESPOIRESPOIR n. (French) a category of wrestler.
HYPOIDhypoid adj. Describing gear wheels whose axes are offset from each other.
HYPOID n. a type of bevel gear in which driving and driven shafts are at right angles but not in the same plane.
LIPOIClipoic adj. Of or pertaining to lipoic acid and its derivatives, the lipoates.
LIPOIC adj. as in lipoic acid, a sulphur-containing fatty acid.
LIPOIDlipoid adj. Of pertaining to fat.
lipoid n. A lipid or other substance resembling fat.
LIPOID n. any of a class of fatty substances, also LIPID, LIPIDE, LIPIN.
LUPOIDlupoid adj. Resembling the disease called lupus.
LUPOID adj. suffering from lupus.
POILUSpoilus n. Plural of poilu.
POILU n. (French slang) an infantry soldier in World War One.
POINDSpoinds n. Plural of poind.
POIND v. (Scots) to distrain, impound.
POINTEpointe n. (Ballet) The tip of the toe; a ballet position executed with the tip of the toe.
POINTE n. (French) the extreme tip of the toe; the position of standing on it in ballet.
POINTSpoints n. Plural of point.
points n. (Rail transport, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India) Movable rails which can be used to switch…
points n. (Theater) Exaggerated speech or gestures used for emphasis during a performance.
POINTYpointy adj. (Informal) Pointed in shape; having a point or points.
pointy adj. (Programming) In the Raku programming language: being a block or subroutine that acts as a closure accepting…
pointy n. (Informal) Any pointed object.
POISEDpoised adj. Possessing poise, having self-confidence.
poised adj. Ready, prepared.
poised adj. Balanced, in position, equilibrium.
POISERpoiser n. One who poises or balances something.
poiser n. The balancer of dipterous insects.
POISER n. the balancer of dipterous insects.
POISESpoises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of poise.
poises n. Plural of poise.
POISE v. to hold in a state of equilibrium.
POISHApoisha n. Alternative form of paisa.
POISHA n. (Bengali) a Bangladeshi monetary unit.
POISONpoison n. A substance that is harmful or lethal to a living organism when ingested.
poison n. Something that harms a person or thing.
poison n. (Informal) An intoxicating drink; a liquor. (note: this sense is chiefly encountered in the phrases…
POITINPOITIN n. (Irish) Irish whiskey distilled unlawfully, also POTEEN, POTHEEN, POTTEEN.
SPOILSspoils n. That which is taken from another by violence; especially, the plunder taken from an enemy; pillage; booty.
spoils n. Waste material left over in the course of excavation, construction, mining, or dredging operations.
spoils n. Public offices and their benefits regarded as the peculiar property of a successful party or faction…
SPOILTspoilt adj. (UK) Having lost its original value.
spoilt adj. Of food, that has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible.
spoilt adj. (Of a person, usually a child) Having a selfish or greedy character, especially due to pampering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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