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There are 10 four-letter words containing PER

APERaper n. Someone who apes something.
APER n. one who mimics.
PERCperc n. Perchloroethylene, a common solvent used in dry-cleaning.
perc n. Abbreviation of percolation.
perc adj. (Medicine, colloquial) Percutaneous.
PEREpere n. Alternative spelling of père.
Pere prop.n. A surname.
père n. A priest of the Roman Catholic Church, especially a French one. Also used as a title preceding the name…
PERIperi n. (Persian mythology) A sprite or supernatural being.
Peri prop.n. A surname.
peri- pref. Around or surrounding.
PERKperk n. (Informal) Perquisite.
perk n. (Video games) A bonus ability that a player character can acquire; a permanent power-up.
perk v. (Transitive, informal) To make (coffee) in a percolator or a drip coffeemaker.
PERMperm n. Short for permanent wave (“hairstyle”).
perm v. To give hair a perm, using heat, chemicals etc.
perm n. (Informal) A permutation.
PERNpern n. Part of a spinning wheel, a conical spool onto which the thread is wound from the spindle.
pern n. A honey buzzard; Pernis apivorus.
pern v. To take profit of; to make profitable.
PERPperp n. (Slang, law enforcement) Perpetrator.
perp adj. (Architecture) Clipping of perpendicular.
PERP n. (colloquial) short for perpetrator, one who has committed a crime.
PERTpert adj. (Of a person) Attractive.
pert adj. (Of a part of the body) Well-formed; shapely.
pert adj. Lively; alert and cheerful; bright.
PERVperv n. (Slang) A pervert.
perv v. (Slang) To stare at others in a perverted manner, especially whilst thinking sexual thoughts about them.
PERV n. Acronym of w:porcine endogenous retrovirus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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