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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing PAB

CAPABILITYcapability n. The power or ability to generate an outcome.
capability n. (Computing) A digital token allowing a user or process to interact in a specified way with an object…
CAPABILITY n. the state of being capable.
DISSIPABLEdissipable adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being dissipated or dispersed.
DISSIPABLE adj. capable of being scattered or dissipated.
DUPABILITYdupability n. The quality of being dupable.
DUPABILITY n. the ability to be duped.
EXCULPABLEexculpable adj. Capable of being exculpated; deserving exculpation.
EXCULPABLE adj. capable of being exculpated.
EXTIRPABLEextirpable adj. Capable of being extirpated or eradicated.
EXTIRPABLE adj. capable of being extirpated or eradicated; as, an extirpable plant.
HYPABYSSALhypabyssal adj. (Geology, of rock) that solidifies, as a minor intrusion, before reaching the Earth’s surface.
HYPABYSSAL adj. in petrology, moderately deep-seated, not quite abyssal.
IMPALPABLEimpalpable adj. Not able to be perceived by the senses (especially by touch); intangible or insubstantial; not easily…
IMPALPABLE adj. not perceivable by touch.
IMPALPABLYimpalpably adv. In an impalpable manner.
IMPALPABLE adv. not perceivable by touch.
INCAPABLESincapables n. Plural of incapable.
INCAPABLE n. one who is in incapable.
INCULPABLEinculpable adj. Not culpable; immune from liability.
INCULPABLE adj. blameless.
INCULPABLYinculpably adv. In an inculpable way; blamelessly.
INCULPABLE adv. blameless.
RECAPPABLErecappable adj. Capable of being recapped (of a tire: having the worn tread replaced).
recappable adj. Capable of being recapped (sealed again with a cap).
RECAPPABLE adj. that can be recapped.
RECOUPABLErecoupable adj. Able to be recouped.
RECOUPABLE adj. that can be recouped.
STRIPPABLEstrippable adj. Suitable for strip-mining.
STRIPPABLE adj. that can be stripped.
UNHELPABLEunhelpable adj. Incapable of being helped.
UNHELPABLE adj. not helpable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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