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There are 17 words containing OPARASIT

ECTOPARASITEectoparasite n. A parasite that lives on the surface of a host organism; such as the Demodex mite, which lives in human…
ECTOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives on the surface of animals.
ECTOPARASITESectoparasites n. Plural of ectoparasite.
ECTOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives on the surface of animals.
ECTOPARASITICectoparasitic adj. Of or pertaining to ectoparasites.
ECTOPARASITIC adj. of or like an ectoparasite.
ENDOPARASITEendoparasite n. A parasite that lives inside the body of an organism, such as a tapeworm.
ENDOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives inside an animal.
ENDOPARASITESendoparasites n. Plural of endoparasite.
ENDOPARASITE n. a parasite that lives inside an animal.
ENDOPARASITICendoparasitic adj. Of or pertaining to endoparasites.
ENDOPARASITIC adj. relating to endoparasites.
ENDOPARASITISMendoparasitism n. Behaviour of endoparasites.
ENDOPARASITISM n. the state of being an endoparasite, a parasite that lives inside an animal.
ENDOPARASITISMSendoparasitisms n. Plural of endoparasitism.
ENDOPARASITISM n. the state of being an endoparasite, a parasite that lives inside an animal.
EXOPARASITEexoparasite n. (Biology) Alternative form of ectoparasite.
EXOPARASITE n. a parasite, such as the flea, that lives on the outer surface of its host.
EXOPARASITESexoparasites n. Plural of exoparasite.
EXOPARASITE n. a parasite, such as the flea, that lives on the outer surface of its host.
EXOPARASITICEXOPARASITIC adj. of or like an exoparasite.
HOLOPARASITEholoparasite n. A holoparasitic organism.
HOLOPARASITESholoparasites n. Plural of holoparasite.
HOLOPARASITICholoparasitic adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to a plant sustaining itself entirely through parasitism.
MICROPARASITEmicroparasite n. An extremely small parasite.
MICROPARASITE n. a very small parasite.
MICROPARASITESmicroparasites n. Plural of microparasite.
MICROPARASITE n. a very small parasite.
MICROPARASITICmicroparasitic adj. Of or pertaining to microparasites.
MICROPARASITIC adj. relating to a microparasite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 145 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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