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There are 20 words containing OGRESSIV

PROGRESSIVEprogressive adj. Favouring or promoting progress; advanced.
progressive adj. Gradually advancing in extent; increasing.
progressive adj. Promoting or favoring progress towards improved conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods.
PROGRESSIVESprogressives n. Plural of progressive.
Progressives n. Plural of Progressive.
PROGRESSIVE n. one who favours progress or reform.
INTROGRESSIVEintrogressive adj. (Genetics) Producing introgression.
INTROGRESSIVE adj. relating to introgression.
PROGRESSIVELYprogressively adv. In a progressive manner.
progressively adv. As part of a progression.
PROGRESSIVE adv. showing progress.
PROGRESSIVISMprogressivism n. A political ideology that favours progress towards better conditions in society.
PROGRESSIVISM n. sympathy with or advocacy of progress, also PROGRESSISM.
PROGRESSIVISTprogressivist n. An advocate of progressivism.
PROGRESSIVIST n. an upholder of progressivism.
PROGRESSIVITYprogressivity n. The condition of being progressive.
PROGRESSIVITY n. the state of being a progressive tax.
RETROGRESSIVEretrogressive adj. Of or relating to retrogression.
retrogressive adj. Directed towards the rear or the past; retrograde.
retrogressive n. A person of retrogressive views or policies; a backward-looking conservative.
UNPROGRESSIVEunprogressive adj. Not progressive; not contributing to progress.
UNPROGRESSIVE adj. not progressive.
NONPROGRESSIVEnonprogressive adj. Not progressive.
nonprogressive n. One who is not a progressive.
non-progressive adj. Not progressive.
PROGRESSIVISMSprogressivisms n. Plural of progressivism.
PROGRESSIVISM n. sympathy with or advocacy of progress, also PROGRESSISM.
PROGRESSIVISTSprogressivists n. Plural of progressivist.
PROGRESSIVIST n. an upholder of progressivism.
UNPROGRESSIVESSorry, definition not available.
ANTIPROGRESSIVEantiprogressive adj. Opposing progress.
antiprogressive n. One who opposes progress.
ANTIPROGRESSIVE adj. opposed to progressivism.
NONPROGRESSIVESnonprogressives n. Plural of nonprogressive.
PROGRESSIVENESSprogressiveness n. The quality of being progressive.
PROGRESSIVE n. showing progress.
PROGRESSIVISTICprogressivistic adj. Relating to, or supporting, progressivism.
PROGRESSIVISTIC adj. relating to progressivism.
PROGRESSIVITIESprogressivities n. Plural of progressivity.
PROGRESSIVITY n. the state of being a progressive tax.
RETROGRESSIVELYretrogressively adv. In a retrogressive manner.
RETROGRESSIVE adv. characterized by retrogression.
UNPROGRESSIVELYunprogressively adv. In an unprogressive way.
UNPROGRESSIVE adv. not progressive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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