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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing ONICALLY

CATIONICALLYcationically adv. (Chemistry, physics) In a cationic manner.
cationically adv. (Chemistry, physics) By means of cations.
CATIONIC adv. relating to a cation.
CYCLONICALLYcyclonically adv. In a cyclonic fashion.
CYCLONICAL adv. of or like a cyclone, a circular storm, also CYCLONIC.
DIATONICALLYdiatonically adv. In a diatonic manner.
DIATONIC adv. using only the eight tones of a major or minor scale without chromatic deviations.
DRACONICALLYdraconically adv. In a draconic manner.
DRACONIC adv. unusually harsh, also DRACONIAN, DRACONTIC.
EUPHONICALLYeuphonically adv. In a euphonic manner.
EUPHONICAL adv. agreeable in sound, also EUPHONIC, EUPHONIOUS.
GNOMONICALLYgnomonically adv. According to the principles of the gnomonic projection.
GNOMONICAL adv. of or pertaining to a gnomon, a sundial, also GNOMONIC.
HARMONICALLYharmonically adv. In a harmonic manner.
HARMONICAL adv. concordant; musical; as, harmonic sounds.
HYDRONICALLYhydronically adv. In terms of, or by means of, hydronics.
HYDRONIC adv. pertaining to heating and cooling by water.
ISOTONICALLYisotonically adv. In an isotonic way.
ISOTONIC adv. having equal tones, or tension.
MNEMONICALLYmnemonically adv. Through the use of mnemonics.
mnemonically adv. As a mnemonic.
MNEMONICAL adv. assisting in memory.
PLATONICALLYplatonically adv. In a platonic manner.
PLATONIC adv. not erotic.
SARDONICALLYsardonically adv. In a sardonic manner.
SARDONICAL adv. bitterly or evilly humorous; grimly mocking, also SARDONIAN, SARDONIC.
SUBSONICALLYsubsonically adv. In a subsonic manner.
SUBSONIC adv. moving at a speed less than that of sound.
SYNTONICALLYsyntonically adv. In syntonic fashion.
SYNTONIC adv. pertaining to syntony; in harmony with one's surroundings, also SYNTONOUS.
TECTONICALLYtectonically adv. In a tectonic way or manner.
tectonically adv. In a fundamental way.
tectonically adv. (Geology, seismology) Involving tectonic plates.
UNIRONICALLYunironically adv. In an unironic manner; without irony.
UNIRONIC adv. not ironic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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