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There are 6 words containing OSTASIA

ENHYPOSTASIAenhypostasia n. (Christianity (Christology)) The state of the human nature of Jesus Christ being entirely dependent…
ENHYPOSTASIA n. personality not existing independently but by union with another, as the human nature of Christ was said to be dependent on his divine nature.
ENHYPOSTASIASenhypostasias n. Plural of enhypostasia.
ENHYPOSTASIA n. personality not existing independently but by union with another, as the human nature of Christ was said to be dependent on his divine nature.
HAEMOSTASIAhaemostasia n. Alternative form of hemostasia.
HAEMOSTASIA n. the stoppage of bleeding or the circulation, also HAEMOSTASIS, HEMOSTASIA, HEMOSTASIS.
HAEMOSTASIASHAEMOSTASIA n. the stoppage of bleeding or the circulation, also HAEMOSTASIS, HEMOSTASIA, HEMOSTASIS.
HEMOSTASIAhemostasia n. Synonym of hemostasis.
HEMOSTASIA n. the stopping of bleeding or arrest of blood circulation in an organ or part, as during a surgical operation, also HAEMOSTASIA, HAEMOSTASIS, HEMOSTASIS.
HEMOSTASIASHEMOSTASIA n. the stopping of bleeding or arrest of blood circulation in an organ or part, as during a surgical operation, also HAEMOSTASIA, HAEMOSTASIS, HEMOSTASIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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