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There are 11 words containing ONSTANT

CONSTANTconstant adj. Unchanged through time or space; permanent.
constant adj. Consistently recurring over time; persistent.
constant adj. Steady in purpose, action, feeling, etc.
CONSTANTANconstantan n. An alloy of copper and nickel whose resistivity is constant over a wide temperature range.
CONSTANTAN n. an alloy of nickel and copper, having a high and constant resistance to flow of electricity or heat.
CONSTANTANSconstantans n. Plural of constantan.
CONSTANTAN n. an alloy of nickel and copper, having a high and constant resistance to flow of electricity or heat.
CONSTANTLYconstantly adv. (Archaic) With steadfastness; with resolve; in loyalty, faithfully.
constantly adv. In a constant manner; occurring continuously; persistently.
constantly adv. (Frequency) Recurring regularly.
CONSTANTSconstants n. Plural of constant.
CONSTANT n. something that does not vary.
INCONSTANTinconstant adj. Not constant; wavering.
inconstant adj. Unfaithful to a lover.
INCONSTANT adj. not constant, also UNCONSTANT.
INCONSTANTLYinconstantly adv. In an inconstant manner.
INCONSTANT adv. not constant, also UNCONSTANT.
NONCONSTANTnonconstant adj. Not constant.
nonconstant n. (Mathematics) A value that is not constant.
NONCONSTANT adj. not constant.
NONCONSTANTLYSorry, definition not available.
NONCONSTANTSnonconstants n. Plural of nonconstant.
UNCONSTANTunconstant adj. Inconstant.
UNCONSTANT adj. (Shakespeare) inconstant, also INCONSTANT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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