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There are 5 words containing ONOGENE

MONOGENEANmonogenean n. Any of the many trematode flatworms of the class Monogenea, mostly ectoparasites on fish.
MONOGENEAN n. a monogenetic trematode, a kind of parasitic flatworm.
MONOGENEANSmonogeneans n. Plural of monogenean.
MONOGENEAN n. a monogenetic trematode, a kind of parasitic flatworm.
MONOGENESESmonogeneses n. Plural of monogenesis.
MONOGENESIS n. the development of an offspring from a parent like itself.
MONOGENESISmonogenesis n. (Anthropology) The theory that mankind originated with a single ancestor or ancestral couple.
monogenesis n. (Linguistics) The theory that all languages, or a particular set of languages, originated from a single source.
monogenesis n. (Biology, medicine) Development of the ovum from a parent like itself.
MONOGENETICmonogenetic adj. Having a single source, originating in one place at a single moment.
monogenetic adj. (Biology, linguistics) of or pertaining to monogenesis.
monogenetic adj. (Genetics) Misspelling of monogenic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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