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There are 19 words containing OTTIER

COTTIERcottier n. Someone who lives in a cot or cottage; a cottager.
Cottier prop.n. A surname from French.
COTTIER n. an Irish tenant holding land as the highest bidder, also COTTAR, COTTER.
DOTTIERdottier adj. Comparative form of dotty: more dotty.
DOTTY adj. feebleminded, harmlessly eccentric.
JOTTIERJOTTY adj. written down quickly.
MOTTIERMOTTY adj. (Scots) containing motes.
POTTIERpottier adj. Comparative form of potty: more potty.
POTTY adj. crazy.
TOTTIERTOTTY adj. unsteady; tottery.
BLOTTIERblottier adj. Comparative form of blotty: more blotty.
BLOTTY adj. smudged.
CLOTTIERCLOTTY adj. tending to clot.
COTTIERScottiers n. Plural of cottier.
Cottiers prop.n. Plural of Cottier.
COTTIER n. an Irish tenant holding land as the highest bidder, also COTTAR, COTTER.
GROTTIERgrottier adj. Comparative form of grotty: more grotty.
GROTTY adj. wretchedly shabby; of a poor quality.
KNOTTIERknottier adj. Comparative form of knotty: more knotty.
KNOTTY adj. full of knots.
PLOTTIERplottier adj. Comparative form of plotty: more plotty.
PLOTTY adj. full of intrigue, as a novel.
SNOTTIERsnottier adj. Comparative form of snotty: more snotty.
SNOTTY adj. foul with snot.
SPOTTIERspottier adj. Comparative form of spotty: more spotty.
SPOTTY adj. marked with spots.
SWOTTIERswottier adj. Comparative form of swotty: more swotty.
SWOTTY adj. given to hard study, also SWATTY.
COTTIERISMcottierism n. The cotter system of land tenure.
COTTIERISM n. the cottier system of land tenure.
CONDOTTIEREcondottiere n. (Historical) A mercenary military leader from 14th-century Italy and later in other parts of Europe.
CONDOTTIERE n. (Italian) a hired soldier; a mercenary.
CONDOTTIERIcondottieri n. Plural of condottiere.
CONDOTTIERE n. (Italian) a hired soldier; a mercenary.
COTTIERISMSCOTTIERISM n. the cottier system of land tenure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 19 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 23 words
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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