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There are 14 words containing OTTAGE

COTTAGEcottage n. A small house.
cottage n. A seasonal home of any size or stature, a recreational home or a home in a remote location.
cottage n. (UK, slang, archaic) A public lavatory.
POTTAGEpottage n. (Archaic or historical) A thick soup or stew, made by boiling vegetables, grains, and sometimes meat…
pottage n. (Archaic) An oatmeal porridge.
POTTAGE n. a thick soup or stew of vegetables and sometimes, meat, also POTAGE.
COTTAGEDcottaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of cottage.
cottaged adj. Filled with or having cottages.
COTTAGE v. to cruise looking for homosexual partners.
COTTAGERcottager n. A person who has the tenure of a cottage, usually also the occupant.
cottager n. (Britain, slang) One who engages in sex in public lavatories; a practitioner of cottaging.
Cottager n. (Soccer) someone connected with Fulham Football Club, as a fan, player, coach etc.
COTTAGEScottages n. Plural of cottage.
cottages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cottage.
COTTAGE v. to cruise looking for homosexual partners.
COTTAGEYcottagey adj. Resembling or characteristic of a cottage.
COTTAGEY adj. like a cottage.
FROTTAGEfrottage v. To rub, especially to rub onto one surface placed upon another surface that is textured, in order to…
frottage v. (Sexology) To rub parts of the body against those of another person for sexual stimulation.
frottage n. (Uncountable, art) A method of making an image by placing a piece of paper against an object and then…
PLOTTAGEplottage n. The increase in value of land achieved by parcelling smaller plots into a developable unit.
PLOTTAGE n. the size or value of a specified piece of land, regarded in terms of the area accumulated from its constituent plots.
POTTAGESpottages n. Plural of pottage.
POTTAGE n. a thick soup or stew of vegetables and sometimes, meat, also POTAGE.
COTTAGERScottagers n. Plural of cottager.
Cottagers n. Plural of Cottager.
Cottagers prop.n. (Soccer) Fulham Football Club.
FROTTAGESfrottages n. Plural of frottage.
FROTTAGE n. (French) masturbation by rubbing against another person.
PLOTTAGESplottages n. Plural of plottage.
PLOTTAGE n. the size or value of a specified piece of land, regarded in terms of the area accumulated from its constituent plots.
TELECOTTAGEtelecottage n. A facility offering access to technology, etc. to the local community.
telecottage n. A teleworker’s physical workplace, whether in the individual’s home or on a communal site. (Can we add…
TELECOTTAGE n. a building or room in a rural area with electronic equipment, services, etc. for teleworking, often shared by a number of local residents.
TELECOTTAGEStelecottages n. Plural of telecottage.
TELECOTTAGE n. a building or room in a rural area with electronic equipment, services, etc. for teleworking, often shared by a number of local residents.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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