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There are 19 words containing OTERIC

ESOTERICesoteric adj. Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge…
esoteric adj. Having to do with concepts that are highly theoretical and without obvious practical application; often…
esoteric adj. Confidential; private.
EXOTERICexoteric adj. Suitable to be imparted to the public without secrecy or other reserves.
exoteric adj. (By extension) Accessible; capable of being readily or fully comprehended; or, having an obvious application.
exoteric adj. (Rare) Public or popular; having wide currency.
NEOTERICneoteric adj. Modern, new-fangled.
neoteric adj. New; recent.
neoteric n. A modern author (especially as opposed to a classical writer).
ESOTERICAesoterica n. Things that are esoteric; things that are impractical or specialised.
ESOTERICA n. esoteric things.
NEOTERICSneoterics n. Plural of neoteric.
NEOTERIC n. a modern writer or philosopher.
AMPHOTERICamphoteric adj. (Chemistry) Having the characteristics of both an acid and a base, and capable of reacting as either; amphiprotic.
AMPHOTERIC adj. in chemistry, reacting as either alkali or acid.
ESOTERICASESOTERICA n. esoteric things.
EXOTERICALexoterical adj. Alternative form of exoteric.
EXOTERICAL adj. intelligible to the uninitiated.
NEOTERICALneoterical adj. Alternative form of neoteric.
NEOTERICAL adj. recent in origin, modern, also NEOTERIC.
NEOTERICAL n. something modern.
ESOTERICISMesotericism n. The tendency to promote or desire the esoteric.
esotericism n. Doctrines or practices of esoteric knowledge.
ESOTERICISM n. esoteric doctrines or practices.
ESOTERICISTesotericist n. One who appreciates, promotes or desires the esoteric.
ESOTERICIST n. a student of esoterica.
EXOTERICISMexotericism n. The quality of being widely known or exoteric.
EXOTERICISM n. the state of being exoteric.
NEOTERICALSNEOTERICAL n. something modern.
ESOTERICALLYesoterically adv. In an esoteric manner.
ESOTERIC adv. intended for or understood by only a particular group.
ESOTERICISMSesotericisms n. Plural of esotericism.
ESOTERICISM n. esoteric doctrines or practices.
ESOTERICISTSesotericists n. Plural of esotericist.
ESOTERICIST n. a student of esoterica.
EXOTERICALLYexoterically adv. In an exoteric manner.
EXOTERICAL adv. intelligible to the uninitiated.
EXOTERICISMSEXOTERICISM n. the state of being exoteric.
NEOTERICALLYneoterically adv. Recently; newly.
NEOTERICAL adv. recent in origin, modern, also NEOTERIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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