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There are 19 words containing ORTIVE

TORTIVEtortive adj. Twisted; wreathed.
TORTIVE adj. (Shakespeare) turned awry.
ABORTIVEabortive adj. (Obsolete) Produced by abortion; born prematurely and therefore unnatural.
abortive adj. Coming to nothing; failing in its effect..
abortive adj. (Biology) Imperfectly formed or developed; rudimentary; sterile.
SPORTIVEsportive adj. (Archaic) lively; merry; spritely.
sportive adj. Playful, coltish.
sportive adj. Interested in sport.
ASSORTIVEASSORTIVE adj. tending to assort.
EXTORTIVEextortive adj. Involving, constituting or accomplished by extortion.
EXTORTIVE adj. relating to or practising extortion, also EXTORSIVE.
RETORTIVEretortive adj. Containing, or acting as, a retort.
RETORTIVE adj. of the nature of a retort or sharp reply.
ABORTIVELYabortively adv. In an abortive or untimely manner; immaturely; fruitlessly.
ABORTIVE adv. failing to succeed.
CONTORTIVEcontortive adj. Showing contortion.
CONTORTIVE adj. expressing contortion.
DISTORTIVEdistortive adj. Causing distortion.
DISTORTIVE adj. causing distortion.
SPORTIVELYsportively adv. In a sportive way.
SPORTIVE adv. playful.
SUPPORTIVEsupportive adj. Providing support.
SUPPORTIVE adj. tending to support.
ABORTIVENESSabortiveness n. (Uncountable) The quality of being abortive.
abortiveness n. (Countable) The result or product of being abortive.
ABORTIVENESS n. the state of being abortive.
SPORTIVENESSsportiveness n. The state of being sportive.
SPORTIVENESS n. the state of being sportive.
SUPPORTIVELYsupportively adv. In a supportive way.
SUPPORTIVE adv. tending to support.
TRANSPORTIVEtransportive adj. Serving to transport to another place.
TRANSPORTIVE adj. tending or having power to transport.
UNSUPPORTIVEunsupportive adj. Not supportive.
ABORTIVENESSESabortivenesses n. Plural of abortiveness.
ABORTIVENESS n. the state of being abortive.
SPORTIVENESSESsportivenesses n. Plural of sportiveness.
SPORTIVENESS n. the state of being sportive.
SUPPORTIVENESSsupportiveness n. The property of being supportive.
SUPPORTIVENESS n. the state of being supportive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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