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There are 13 words containing ONVOLU

CONVOLUTEconvolute v. (Transitive) To make unnecessarily complex.
convolute v. (Transitive) To fold or coil into numerous overlapping layers.
convolute v. (Transitive) To confuse, mix up (something) with something else.
CONVOLUTEDconvoluted adj. (Chiefly anatomy, zoology) Having numerous overlapping coils or folds; convolute.
convoluted adj. (Figuratively) Complex, complicated, or intricate.
convoluted v. Simple past tense and past participle of convolute.
CONVOLUTEDLYconvolutedly adv. In a convoluted manner.
CONVOLUTED adv. CONVOLUTE, to twist, coil.
CONVOLUTEDNESSconvolutedness n. The quality of being convoluted.
CONVOLUTEDNESS n. the state of being convoluted.
CONVOLUTELYCONVOLUTE adv. rolled together, coiled.
CONVOLUTESconvolutes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of convolute.
CONVOLUTE v. to twist, coil.
CONVOLUTINGconvoluting v. Present participle of convolute.
CONVOLUTE v. to twist, coil.
CONVOLUTIONconvolution n. A twist or fold.
convolution n. Any of the folds on the surface of the brain.
convolution n. The shape of something rotating; a vortex.
CONVOLUTIONALconvolutional adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing convolution.
CONVOLUTIONAL adj. of or like convolution.
CONVOLUTIONARYCONVOLUTIONARY adj. of or like convolution.
CONVOLUTIONSconvolutions n. Plural of convolution.
CONVOLUTION n. a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings.
NONVOLUNTARIESSorry, definition not available.
NONVOLUNTARYnonvoluntary adj. Not voluntary.
NONVOLUNTARY adj. not voluntary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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