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There are 18 words containing ONCOLO

CONCOLORconcolor adj. Alternative form of concolour.
CONCOLOR adj. of uniform color, also CONCOLORATE, CONCOLOROUS.
NONCOLORnoncolor n. That which is not a color.
NONCOLOR n. an achromatic colour such as black or white, also NONCOLOUR.
ONCOLOGYoncology n. The branch of medicine concerned with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment…
ONCOLOGY n. the science of tumors.
NONCOLORSnoncolors n. Plural of noncolor.
NONCOLOR n. an achromatic colour such as black or white, also NONCOLOUR.
NONCOLOURnoncolour n. Alternative form of noncolor.
NONCOLOUR n. an achromatic colour such as black or white, also NONCOLOR.
ONCOLOGIConcologic adj. (Oncology) Of or pertaining to oncology.
ONCOLOGIC adj. relating to oncology, the study of tumours, also ONCOLOGICAL.
NONCOLOREDnoncolored adj. Not colored.
NONCOLORED adj. not coloured, also NONCOLOURED.
NONCOLOURSnoncolours n. Plural of noncolour.
NONCOLOUR n. an achromatic colour such as black or white, also NONCOLOR.
ONCOLOGIESoncologies n. Plural of oncology.
ONCOLOGY n. the science of tumors.
ONCOLOGISToncologist n. (Oncology) A doctor or scientist who specializes in oncology.
ONCOLOGIST n. one who studies oncology.
CONCOLORATEconcolorate adj. (Botany, zoology) Having a uniform colour.
CONCOLORATE adj. of uniform color, also CONCOLOR, CONCOLOROUS.
CONCOLOROUSconcolorous adj. Colored the same throughout.
concolorous adj. Of the same color.
concolorous n. Photedes extrema, a species of moth.
NONCOLOREDSSorry, definition not available.
NONCOLOUREDnoncoloured adj. Alternative form of noncolored.
NONCOLOURED adj. not coloured, also NONCOLORED.
ONCOLOGICALoncological adj. (Oncology) Of or pertaining to oncology.
ONCOLOGICAL adj. relating to oncology, the study of tumours, also ONCOLOGIC.
ONCOLOGISTSoncologists n. Plural of oncologist.
ONCOLOGIST n. one who studies oncology.
NONCOLORFASTnoncolorfast adj. Not colorfast.
NONCOLORFAST adj. not colorfast, also NONCOLOURFAST.
NONCOLOURFASTnoncolourfast adj. Alternative form of noncolorfast.
NONCOLOURFAST adj. not colourfast, also NONCOLORFAST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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