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There are 13 words containing OMECHA

AEROMECHANICaeromechanic n. A mechanic in the aircraft industry.
AEROMECHANIC n. an aircraft mechanic.
AEROMECHANICALaeromechanical adj. Of or pertaining to aeromechanics.
AEROMECHANICAL adj. relating to aeromechanics.
AEROMECHANICSaeromechanics n. (Physics) The branch of mechanics that deals with the motion of gases; it comprises aerostatics and aerodynamics.
aeromechanics n. Plural of aeromechanic.
AEROMECHANICS n. the science of the mechanical properties of gases.
BIOMECHANICALbiomechanical adj. Of or pertaining to biomechanics.
bio-mechanical adj. Alternative form of biomechanical.
bio-mechanical n. (Cycling) An injury.
BIOMECHANICALLYbiomechanically adv. With regard to biomechanics.
BIOMECHANICAL adv. relating to biomechanics.
BIOMECHANICSbiomechanics n. (Biology, physics) The branch of biophysics that deals with the mechanics of the human or animal body;…
biomechanics n. (Biology) The functioning of a particular part of a body.
BIOMECHANICS n. the mechanics of biological and esp. muscular activity.
GEOMECHANICSgeomechanics n. (Geology) The mechanics of rocks and soil.
GEOMECHANICS n. the study and application of rock and soil mechanics.
HYDROMECHANICALhydromechanical adj. Of or pertaining to hydromechanics.
HYDROMECHANICAL adj. relating to a branch of mechanics that deals with the equilibrium and motion of fluids and of solid bodies immersed in them.
HYDROMECHANICShydromechanics n. (Physics) fluid mechanics, especially when dealing with water.
HYDROMECHANICS n. the study of movement in liquids, also HYDRODYNAMICS.
PHOTOMECHANICALphotomechanical adj. Of or relating to any of several methods of printing via a plate which has been prepared photographically…
PHOTOMECHANICAL adj. relating to or involving any of various processes for producing printed matter from a photographically prepared surface.
SERVOMECHANICALservomechanical adj. Of or relating to servomechanisms.
SERVOMECHANICAL adj. of or like a servomechanism.
SERVOMECHANISMservomechanism n. A mechanical device for controlling large amounts of power by means of smaller amounts of power and…
servomechanism n. Any system which controls motion automatically using feedback.
servo-mechanism n. Alternative spelling of servomechanism.
SERVOMECHANISMSservomechanisms n. Plural of servomechanism.
servo-mechanisms n. Plural of servo-mechanism.
SERVOMECHANISM n. an automatic device for controlling large amounts of power by means of very small amounts of power and automatically correcting the performance of a mechanism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 144 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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