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There are 7 words containing OLIARD

GOLIARDgoliard n. Alternative form of Goliard.
Goliard n. (Historical) A wandering student of the 12th or 13th century, whose convivial lifestyle included minstrelsy…
GOLIARD n. (historical) a wandering scholar in the Middle Ages, known for riotous behaviour and satirical Latin poems lampooning the church.
GOLIARDSgoliards n. Plural of goliard.
Goliards n. Plural of Goliard.
GOLIARD n. (historical) a wandering scholar in the Middle Ages, known for riotous behaviour and satirical Latin poems lampooning the church.
GOLIARDYGOLIARDY n. boisterous, irreverent behaviour.
GOLIARDICgoliardic adj. Of or pertaining to Goliards, wandering medieval students who earned money by singing and reciting poetry.
goliardic adj. Of or pertaining to a form of medieval lyric poetry that typically celebrated licentiousness and drinking.
GOLIARDIC adj. of or like a goliard, a wandering scholar in the Middle Ages.
GOLIARDERYgoliardery n. The satirical or ribald poetry of the Goliards.
GOLIARDERY n. the satirical or ribald poetry of the Goliards, also GOLIARDY.
GOLIARDIESGOLIARDY n. boisterous, irreverent behaviour.
GOLIARDERIESGOLIARDERY n. the satirical or ribald poetry of the Goliards, also GOLIARDY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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