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There are 16 words containing OFFING

BOFFINGboffing n. A form of re-enacted fighting with foam weapons called boffers.
boffing n. (Slang) Sexual intercourse.
boffing v. Present participle of boff.
COFFINGCoffing prop.n. A surname.
COFF v. (Scots) to buy.
DOFFINGdoffing v. Present participle of doff.
doffing n. The act by which an item of clothing is doffed.
DOFF v. to take off.
ENFEOFFINGenfeoffing v. Present participle of enfeoff.
ENFEOFF v. to invest with a feudal property, also INFEOFF.
FEOFFINGfeoffing v. Present participle of feoff.
FEOFF v. to grant a feudal estate to.
GOFFINGgoffing n. Archaic form of golfing.
GOFF v. to play golf (a ball game), also GOLF, GOWF.
INFEOFFINGinfeoffing v. Present participle of infeoff.
INFEOFF v. to invest with a feudal property, also ENFEOFF.
OFFINGoffing n. (Nautical) The area of the sea in which a ship can be seen in the distance from land, excluding the…
offing n. (Nautical) The distance that a ship at sea keeps away from land, often because of navigational dangers…
offing n. (Figuratively) The foreseeable future. Chiefly in the phrase in the offing.
OFFINGSoffings n. Plural of offing.
OFFING n. that part of the sea that is visible from the shore but beyond anchoring ground.
SCOFFINGscoffing v. Present participle of scoff.
scoffing n. The act of one who scoffs; derision; mockery.
SCOFFING adj. scornful.
SCOFFINGLYscoffingly adv. In a scoffing manner; scornfully.
SCOFFING adv. scornful.
SCOFFINGSscoffings n. Plural of scoffing.
SCOFFING n. the act of scoffing.
SHROFFINGshroffing v. Present participle of shroff.
SHROFF v. (Arabic) to test coins for authenticity.
SKOFFINGSKOFF v. to devour; to plunder, also SCOFF.
SWOFFINGSWOFFING n. the sport of saltwater fly-fishing.
SWOFFINGSSWOFFING n. the sport of saltwater fly-fishing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 24 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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