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There are 13 words containing OESTRU

OESTRUMoestrum n. Alternative spelling of estrum.
OESTRUM n. (Latin) the period of heat in female mammals, also ESTRUM, ESTRUS, OESTRUS.
OESTRUSoestrus n. A biting fly of the genus Oestrus; a botfly.
oestrus n. A bite or sting.
oestrus n. (Archaic) A passion or frenzy.
OESTRUALoestrual adj. Relating to the oestrus.
oestrual adj. In heat; sexually receptive.
OESTRUAL adj. pertaining to oestrus, a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals, also ESTRAL, ESTROUS, OESTRAL, OESTROUS.
OESTRUMSoestrums n. Plural of oestrum.
OESTRUM n. (Latin) the period of heat in female mammals, also ESTRUM, ESTRUS, OESTRUS.
ANOESTRUManoestrum n. Synonym of anestrus.
ANOESTRUM n. (Greek) a period of sexual inactivity, also ANESTRUM.
ANOESTRUSanoestrus n. Alternative spelling of anestrus.
anœstrus n. Obsolete form of anestrus.
ANOESTRUS n. (Greek) a period of sexual dormancy, also ANESTRUS.
DIOESTRUSdioestrus n. A period of sexual inactivity (in female mammals) between periods of oestrus.
diœstrus n. Archaic form of dioestrus.
DIOESTRUS n. a period of sexual inactivity, also DIESTRUM, DIESTRUS.
OESTRUSESoestruses n. Plural of oestrus.
œstruses n. Plural of œstrus.
OESTRUS n. (Latin) the period of heat in female mammals, also ESTRUM, OESTRUM, ESTRUS.
PROESTRUSproestrus n. A phase of the oestrus cycle, prior to sexual receptivity, during which one or more follicles of the…
PROESTRUS n. in mammals, the coming on of heat in the oestrus cycle.
METOESTRUSmetoestrus n. Alternative form of metestrus.
metœstrus n. Obsolete form of metestrus.
METOESTRUS n. the period in the oestrous cycle following oestrus, characterized by lack of sexual activity, also METESTRUS.
DIOESTRUSESDIOESTRUS n. a period of sexual inactivity, also DIESTRUM, DIESTRUS.
PROESTRUSESPROESTRUS n. in mammals, the coming on of heat in the oestrus cycle.
METOESTRUSESMETOESTRUS n. the period in the oestrous cycle following oestrus, characterized by lack of sexual activity, also METESTRUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 27 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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