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There are 17 words containing ODROME

PRODROMEprodrome n. (Rare) A precursor or harbinger; also a warning event.
prodrome n. An introductory or preliminary book or treatise.
prodrome n. (Medicine) An early sign or symptom (or set of signs and symptoms) warning of the onset of a disease.
ACRODROMEacrodrome adj. (Botany, of the veins of a leaf) That run parallel to the edges of the leaf and meet at the tip.
ACRODROME adj. of the veins in a leaf, running parallel to the edges of the leaf and fusing at the tip, also ACRODROMOUS.
AERODROMEaerodrome n. An airfield…
aerodrome n. (Obsolete) A flying machine composed of aeroplanes (“airfoils, aerodynamic surfaces”). An aeroplane…
AERODROME n. a place for aircraft.
AUTODROMEautodrome n. A circuit used for motor sports events, but not for high-speed racing.
AUTODROME n. a track or circuit for racing cars, go-karts, etc.
LOXODROMEloxodrome n. (Mathematics, nautical) A line on a surface (such as the Earth) that cuts all meridians at a constant…
LOXODROME n. a line on the globe equally oblique to all meridians.
PRODROMESprodromes n. Plural of prodrome.
PRODROME n. a prefatory work; an initial symptom of a disease, also PRODROMA, PRODROMUS.
VELODROMEvelodrome n. An indoor arena, having an oval banked track for bicycle racing.
VELODROME n. an area for cycling races.
AERODROMESaerodromes n. Plural of aerodrome.
AERODROME n. a place for aircraft.
AUTODROMESautodromes n. Plural of autodrome.
AUTODROME n. a track or circuit for racing cars, go-karts, etc.
COSMODROMEcosmodrome n. A site for launching spacecraft, usually in reference to such Soviet or Russian built sites as the Baikonur…
COSMODROME n. a launching-site for spacecraft.
HIPPODROMEhippodrome n. A horse racing course.
hippodrome n. (US, slang, sports) A fraudulent sporting contest with a predetermined winner.
hippodrome n. (Archaic) A circus with equestrian performances.
LOXODROMESloxodromes n. Plural of loxodrome.
LOXODROME n. a line on the globe equally oblique to all meridians.
PETRODROMEPETRODROME n. an African elephant shrew.
VELODROMESvelodromes n. Plural of velodrome.
VELODROME n. an area for cycling races.
COSMODROMEScosmodromes n. Plural of cosmodrome.
COSMODROME n. a launching-site for spacecraft.
HIPPODROMEShippodromes n. Plural of hippodrome.
HIPPODROME n. a place set apart for equestrian and chariot races.
PETRODROMESPETRODROME n. an African elephant shrew.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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