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There are 15 words containing ODOMET

HODOMETERhodometer n. Dated form of odometer.
HODOMETER n. an instrument for measuring distance travelled, also ODOGRAPH, ODOMETER.
HODOMETERShodometers n. Plural of hodometer.
HODOMETER n. an instrument for measuring distance travelled, also ODOGRAPH, ODOMETER.
HODOMETRIESHODOMETRY n. the measurement of distance by use of a hodometer, also ODOMETRY.
HODOMETRYhodometry n. (Nautical) Obsolete form of odometry.
HODOMETRY n. the measurement of distance by use of a hodometer, also ODOMETRY.
IODOMETRICiodometric adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or using iodometry.
IODOMETRIC adj. measured by iodine, also IODOMETRICAL.
IODOMETRIESIODOMETRY n. a procedure for determining the amount of iodine present in a substance.
IODOMETRYiodometry n. (Chemistry) An analytical technique that uses the sudden disappearance (or appearance) of iodine to…
IODOMETRY n. a procedure for determining the amount of iodine present in a substance.
ODOMETERodometer n. An instrument, usually embedded within the speedometer of a vehicle, that measures the distance the…
odometer n. A wheel used by surveyors, which registers distance traveled.
ODOMETER n. a device for measuring distance travelled, also ODOGRAPH.
ODOMETERSodometers n. Plural of odometer.
ODOMETER n. a device for measuring distance travelled, also ODOGRAPH.
ODOMETRIESODOMETRY n. the process of using an odometer.
ODOMETRYodometry n. Measurement of distances by the odometer.
ODOMETRY n. the process of using an odometer.
TRIIODOMETHANEtriiodomethane n. (Organic chemistry) iodoform.
TRIIODOMETHANE n. another name for iodoform.
TRIIODOMETHANESTRIIODOMETHANE n. another name for iodoform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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