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There are 10 words containing ODALIT

BIMODALITIESbimodalities n. Plural of bimodality.
BIMODALITY n. the state of being bimodal, having two modes.
BIMODALITYbimodality n. (Statistics) A bimodal condition.
BIMODALITY n. the state of being bimodal, having two modes.
MODALITIESmodalities n. Plural of modality.
MODALITY n. the state of being modal.
MODALITYmodality n. The fact of being modal.
modality n. (Logic) The classification of propositions on the basis on whether they claim possibility, impossibility…
modality n. (Linguistics) The inflection of a verb that shows how its action is conceived by the speaker; mood.
NODALITIESnodalities n. Plural of nodality.
NODALITY n. the state of being nodal.
NODALITYnodality n. The quality or degree of being nodal.
NODALITY n. the state of being nodal.
SODALITEsodalite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral of alkaline igneous and plutonic rocks that are low in silica, of the chemical…
SODALITE n. a transparent or translucent silicate of aluminium and sodium.
SODALITESsodalites n. Plural of sodalite.
SODALITE n. a transparent or translucent silicate of aluminium and sodium.
SODALITIESsodalities n. Plural of sodality.
SODALITY n. an organized group, a fellowship.
SODALITYsodality n. A fraternity, a society or association.
sodality n. Companionship.
sodality n. (Christianity) Spiritual communion with a divine being, a fellowship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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