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There are 19 words containing OCATIV

LOCATIVElocative adj. (Grammar) Indicating place, or the place where, or wherein.
locative n. (Grammar) The locative case.
LOCATIVE n. a grammatical case signifying place where.
VOCATIVEvocative adj. Of or pertaining to calling; used in calling or vocation.
vocative adj. (Grammar) Used in address; appellative (said of that case or form of the noun, pronoun, or adjective…
vocative n. (Grammar) The vocative case.
EVOCATIVEevocative adj. That which evokes (brings to mind) a memory, mood, idea, feeling, or image; redolent or reminiscent.
EVOCATIVE adj. calling forth; serving to evoke.
LOCATIVESlocatives n. Plural of locative.
LOCATIVE n. a grammatical case signifying place where.
VOCATIVESvocatives n. Plural of vocative.
VOCATIVE n. a grammatical case indicating calling or personal address.
ADVOCATIVEadvocative adj. (Law) Related to advocation.
ADVOCATIVE adj. relating to the function of an advocate.
INVOCATIVEINVOCATIVE adj. serving to invoke.
VOCATIVELYvocatively adv. In a vocative way.
VOCATIVE adv. relating to the act of calling.
CONVOCATIVECONVOCATIVE adj. relating to convocation.
EVOCATIVELYevocatively adv. In an evocative manner.
EVOCATIVE adv. calling forth; serving to evoke.
PROVOCATIVEprovocative adj. Serving or tending to elicit a strong, often negative sentiment in another person; exasperating.
provocative adj. Serving or tending to excite, stimulate or arouse sexual interest; sexy.
provocative n. (Obsolete) Something that provokes an appetite, especially a sexual appetite; an aphrodisiac.
SUFFOCATIVEsuffocative adj. Tending or able to choke or stifle.
SUFFOCATIVE adj. serving to suffocate.
PROVOCATIVESprovocatives n. Plural of provocative.
PROVOCATIVE n. something that provokes.
EVOCATIVENESSevocativeness n. The state or condition of being evocative.
EVOCATIVE n. calling forth; serving to evoke.
PROVOCATIVELYprovocatively adv. In a provocative manner.
PROVOCATIVE adv. serving to provoke.
RECIPROCATIVEreciprocative adj. (Archaic) Reciprocated; giving back to one another.
RECIPROCATIVE adj. relating to reciprocation.
UNPROVOCATIVEunprovocative adj. Not provocative or stimulating.
UNPROVOCATIVE adj. not provocative.
EVOCATIVENESSESEVOCATIVENESS n. EVOCATIVE, calling forth; serving to evoke.
PROVOCATIVENESSprovocativeness n. The quality of being provocative; provocative behaviour.
PROVOCATIVENESS n. the state of being provocative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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