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There are 16 nine-letter words containing OMANIA

DINOMANIAdinomania n. (Informal) Enthusiasm for dinosaurs.
DINOMANIA n. public interest in dinosaurs.
EGOMANIACegomaniac n. A person obsessed with their own (supposed) importance.
EGOMANIAC n. one suffering from egomania, excessive preoccupation with the self.
EGOMANIASegomanias n. Plural of egomania.
EGOMANIA n. extreme egotism.
ERGOMANIAergomania n. (Psychology) An obsession with exercise or work.
ERGOMANIA n. excessive desire to work.
HYPOMANIAhypomania n. (Medicine) A mild form of mania, especially the phase of several mood disorders characterized by euphoria…
HYPOMANIA n. slightly abnormal overactivity and elation.
INFOMANIAinfomania n. Impairment of concentration caused by frequent response to text messages, e-mails, and other forms of…
INFOMANIA n. an excessive desire for information.
ISLOMANIAislomania n. A fascination with islands.
ISLOMANIA n. an obsessional enthusiasm for islands.
MELOMANIAmelomania n. (Music) An abnormal love of music.
MELOMANIA n. a mania for music.
MONOMANIAmonomania n. Excessive interest or concentration on a singular object or subject.
monomania n. A pathological obsession with one person, thing or idea.
MONOMANIA n. an abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea.
OENOMANIAoenomania n. Morbid desire for wine; dipsomania; alcoholism.
OENOMANIA n. an obsession or craze for wine.
OPSOMANIAopsomania n. (Medicine, dated) A longing for a particular special food.
OPSOMANIA n. an abnormal love for one kind of food.
PYROMANIApyromania n. (Psychology) A compulsive disorder characterized by obsession with fire or uncontrollable urges to start fires.
PYROMANIA n. an obsessive urge to set fire to things.
THEOMANIAtheomania n. A religious mania.
theomania n. A mental illness in which the patient believes him/herself to be a god or to be possessed by one.
THEOMANIA n. the belief that one is God or specially chosen by God on a mission.
TYPOMANIAtypomania n. Enthusiasm for typography.
typomania n. Obsession with being published or writing for publication.
TYPOMANIA n. the overwhelming urge to see one's name in print.
XENOMANIAxenomania n. A strong or excessive preference for foreigners or for foreign customs, manners, or institutions.
XENOMANIA n. an inordinate attachment to foreign things.
ZOOMANIASZOOMANIA n. excessive interest in animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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