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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing OPERAT

COOPERATINGcooperating v. Present participle of cooperate.
coöperating v. Present participle of coöperate.
co-operating v. Present participle of co-operate.
COOPERATIONcooperation n. (Usually uncountable) The act of cooperating.
cooperation n. Active help from a person, organization, etc., such as an orderly sharing of space or resources.
cooperation n. Association for mutual benefit, such as for purposes of production or purchase.
COOPERATIVEcooperative adj. Ready to work with another person or in a team; ready to cooperate.
cooperative adj. Involving cooperation between individuals or parties.
cooperative adj. Relating to a cooperative or cooperatives.
COOPERATORScooperators n. Plural of cooperator.
coöperators n. Plural of coöperator.
co-operators n. Plural of co-operator.
INOPERATIVEinoperative adj. Not working or functioning; either idle or broken.
inoperative adj. (Law) No longer legally binding.
INOPERATIVE adj. not operative.
NONOPERATICnonoperatic adj. Not operatic.
NONOPERATIC adj. not operatic.
OPERATIONALoperational adj. Of or relating to operations, especially military operations.
operational adj. Functioning and ready for use.
operational adj. Effective or operative.
OPERATISINGoperatising v. Present participle of operatise.
OPERATISE v. to turn a play etc. into an opera, also OPERATIZE.
OPERATIVELYoperatively adv. In an operative manner.
OPERATIVE adv. having the power of operating or acting.
OPERATIVITYoperativity n. Operativeness.
OPERATIVITY n. the state of being operative.
OPERATIZINGoperatizing v. Present participle of operatize.
OPERATIZE v. to turn a play etc. into an opera, also OPERATISE.
OVEROPERATEoveroperate v. To perform too many surgical operations.
OVEROPERATE v. to operate to excess.
REOPERATINGreoperating v. Present participle of reoperate.
REOPERATE v. to operate again.
REOPERATIONreoperation n. (Surgery) A second or subsequent operation.
REOPERATION n. operation again.
UNOPERATIVEunoperative adj. Obsolete form of inoperative.
UNOPERATIVE adj. not operative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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