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There are 18 words containing OYISH

BOYISHboyish adj. Like a stereotypical boy in appearance or demeanor.
BOYISH adj. like a boy.
COYISHcoyish adj. Somewhat coy.
COYISH adj. somewhat coy.
TOYISHtoyish adj. (Dated) sportive; trifling; wanton.
toyish adj. Resembling a toy.
TOYISH adj. sportive; trifling; wanton, also TOYSOME.
BOYISHLYboyishly adv. In a boyish manner.
BOYISH adv. like a boy.
COYISHLYcoyishly adv. In a coyish manner.
COYISH adv. somewhat coy.
TOYISHLYtoyishly adv. In a toyish manner.
TOYISH adv. sportive; trifling; wanton, also TOYSOME.
TOMBOYISHtomboyish adj. Displaying behavior associated with a tomboy.
TOMBOYISH adj. like a tomboy.
BOYISHNESSboyishness n. The quality of being boyish.
BOYISHNESS n. the state of being boyish.
COYISHNESScoyishness n. The quality of being coyish.
COYISHNESS n. the state of being coyish.
TOYISHNESStoyishness n. The state or quality of being toyish.
TOYISHNESS n. the state of being toyish.
TOMBOYISHLYtomboyishly adv. In a tomboyish way.
TOMBOYISH adv. like a tomboy.
BOYISHNESSESboyishnesses n. Plural of boyishness.
BOYISHNESS n. the state of being boyish.
COYISHNESSESCOYISHNESS n. the state of being coyish.
SCHOOLBOYISHschoolboyish adj. Resembling a schoolboy in behaviour.
SCHOOLBOYISH adj. of or like a schoolboy.
TOYISHNESSESTOYISHNESS n. the state of being toyish.
TOMBOYISHNESStomboyishness n. The state or condition of being tomboyish; the behaviour of a tomboy.
TOMBOYISHNESS n. the state of being tomboyish.
HOBBLEDEHOYISHhobbledehoyish adj. Resembling or characteristic of a hobbledehoy.
HOBBLEDEHOYISH adj. like a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow.
TOMBOYISHNESSESTOMBOYISHNESS n. the state of being tomboyish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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