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There are 15 words containing OVINE

BOVINEbovine adj. (Not comparable) Of or pertaining to cattle.
bovine adj. (Not comparable) Belonging to the family, subfamily, tribe, or genera including cows, buffalo, and bison.
bovine adj. Sluggish, dull, slow-witted.
BOVINELYbovinely adv. In a bovine manner.
bovinely adv. Sluggishly (Can we add an example for this sense?).
BOVINE adv. relating to cattle.
BOVINESbovines n. Plural of bovine.
BOVINE n. an animal of the cattle family.
COVINECOVINE n. a conspiracy between two or more people to act to the injury of another, also COVIN, COVYNE.
COVINESCOVINE n. a conspiracy between two or more people to act to the injury of another, also COVIN, COVYNE.
ERGONOVINEergonovine n. Ergometrine.
ERGONOVINE n. an alkaloid derived from ergot used in the treatment of migraines.
ERGONOVINESergonovines n. Plural of ergonovine.
ERGONOVINE n. an alkaloid derived from ergot used in the treatment of migraines.
GROOVINESSgrooviness n. The quality or state of being groovy.
GROOVINESS n. the state of being groovy.
GROOVINESSESGROOVINESS n. the state of being groovy.
OVIBOVINEovibovine adj. Of or relating to the genus Ovibos.
ovibovine n. A musk ox.
OVIBOVINE adj. of or relating to the ovibos, muskox.
OVINEovine adj. (Comparable) Of, being, pertaining to, or resembling a sheep; also, (not comparable) of an animal: from…
ovine adj. (Comparable, figuratively) Resembling a sheep in character; acquiescent, easily influenced, passive…
ovine n. An animal from the genus Ovis; a sheep.
OVINESovines n. Plural of ovine.
OVINE n. a sheep or similar animal.
PROVINEprovine v. (Obsolete) To lay a stock or branch of a vine in the ground for propagation.
PROVINE v. to propagate by layering.
PROVINEDprovined v. Simple past tense and past participle of provine.
PROVINE v. to propagate by layering.
PROVINESprovines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of provine.
PROVINE v. to propagate by layering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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