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There are 12 words containing OUNDW

ROUNDWOODroundwood n. Timber as it is cut from the tree, including the bark and without any processing or shaping into planks.
Roundwood prop.n. A village in County Wicklow, Ireland.
ROUNDWOOD n. timber used (as for poles) without any sawing or hewing.
ROUNDWORMroundworm n. An invertebrate animal of the phylum Nematoda and other similar phyla. Many species of roundworms are parasites.
ROUNDWORM n. a nematoid worm.
WOUNDWORTwoundwort n. Any of several plants formerly used in poultices for wounds.
WOUNDWORT n. any of several plants popularly held to have wound-healing properties.
GROUNDWOODgroundwood n. (Paper industry) Wood that has been mechanically ground for pulp or direct use to produce certain kinds…
GROUNDWOOD n. wood found lying on the ground.
GROUNDWORKgroundwork n. The foundation; the basic or fundamental parts that support or allow for the rest.
ground-work n. Alternative spelling of groundwork.
GROUNDWORK n. that which forms the ground or foundation of anything.
ROUNDWOODSroundwoods n. Plural of roundwood.
ROUNDWOOD n. timber used (as for poles) without any sawing or hewing.
ROUNDWORMSroundworms n. Plural of roundworm.
ROUNDWORM n. a nematoid worm.
WOUNDWORTSwoundworts n. Plural of woundwort.
WOUNDWORT n. any of several plants popularly held to have wound-healing properties.
GROUNDWATERgroundwater n. Water that exists beneath the earth’s surface in underground streams and aquifers.
ground␣water n. Alternative form of groundwater.
GROUNDWATER n. water within the earth esp. that supplies wells and springs.
GROUNDWOODSgroundwoods n. Plural of groundwood.
GROUNDWOOD n. wood found lying on the ground.
GROUNDWORKSgroundworks n. Plural of groundwork.
ground-works n. Plural of ground-work.
GROUNDWORK n. that which forms the ground or foundation of anything.
GROUNDWATERSgroundwaters n. Plural of groundwater.
ground␣waters n. Plural of ground water.
GROUNDWATER n. water within the earth esp. that supplies wells and springs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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