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There are 16 words containing OTRIC

ULOTRICHYulotrichy n. Quality of being ulotrichous.
ULOTRICHY n. the state of being woolly-haired.
CYMOTRICHYcymotrichy n. (Anthropology) The state of having wavy hair.
CYMOTRICHY n. the state of being cymotrichous, having wavy hair.
LEIOTRICHYleiotrichy n. The trait of being leiotrichous, or having smooth hair.
LEIOTRICHY n. the state of being straight-haired.
GASTROTRICHgastrotrich n. A microscopic aquatic animal of the phylum Gastrotricha, with a worm-like body and cilia.
GASTROTRICH n. any minute aquatic multicellular animal of the phylum Gastrotricha.
MONOTRICHICMONOTRICHIC adj. of bacteria, having a single flagellum, also MONOTRICHOUS.
ULOTRICHIESULOTRICHY n. the state of being woolly-haired.
ULOTRICHOUSulotrichous adj. Having woolly hair.
ULOTRICHOUS adj. having wooly or crisply curling hair.
CYMOTRICHIESCYMOTRICHY n. the state of being cymotrichous, having wavy hair.
CYMOTRICHOUScymotrichous adj. (Anthropology) Having wavy hair.
CYMOTRICHOUS adj. having wavy hair.
GASTROTRICHSgastrotrichs n. Plural of gastrotrich.
GASTROTRICH n. any minute aquatic multicellular animal of the phylum Gastrotricha.
LEIOTRICHIESLEIOTRICHY n. the state of being straight-haired.
LEIOTRICHOUSleiotrichous adj. Having smooth hair.
LEIOTRICHOUS adj. straight-haired.
MONOTRICHOUSmonotrichous adj. Having a single flagellum.
MONOTRICHOUS adj. of bacteria, having a single flagellum, also MONOTRICHIC.
LISSOTRICHOUSlissotrichous adj. (Anthropology, rare) Straight-haired or smooth-haired; belonging to the lissotrichi.
LISSOTRICHOUS adj. having straight or smooth hair.
SPOROTRICHOSESsporotrichoses n. Plural of sporotrichosis.
SPOROTRICHOSIS n. an infection of the skin caused by the fungi of the genus Sporotrichum, resulting in granulomatous lesions.
SPOROTRICHOSISsporotrichosis n. A disease caused by infection with the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, sometimes acquired from roses.
SPOROTRICHOSIS n. an infection of the skin caused by the fungi of the genus Sporotrichum, resulting in granulomatous lesions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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