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There are 13 words containing OTOLO

EROTOLOGICALerotological adj. Relating to erotology.
EROTOLOGICAL adj. related to erotology.
EROTOLOGIESEROTOLOGY n. the study of erotic stimuli and sexual behaviour.
EROTOLOGISTerotologist n. One who studies erotology.
EROTOLOGIST n. a student of erotology.
EROTOLOGISTSerotologists n. Plural of erotologist.
EROTOLOGIST n. a student of erotology.
EROTOLOGYerotology n. The study of sexual stimuli and behaviour.
EROTOLOGY n. the study of erotic stimuli and sexual behaviour.
OTOLOGICotologic adj. Synonym of otological.
OTOLOGIC adj. relating to otology, the science of the ear, also OTOLOGICAL.
OTOLOGICALotological adj. Of or pertaining to otology.
OTOLOGICAL adj. relating to otology, the study of the ear, also OTOLOGIC.
OTOLOGIESotologies n. Plural of otology.
OTOLOGY n. the science of the ear.
OTOLOGISTotologist n. A doctor specializing in otology.
OTOLOGIST n. a practitioner of otology, the study of the ear.
OTOLOGISTSotologists n. Plural of otologist.
OTOLOGIST n. a practitioner of otology, the study of the ear.
OTOLOGYotology n. (Medicine) The branch of medicine that deals with the ear, its structure, function and pathology.
OTOLOGY n. the science of the ear.
ROTOLOrotolo n. (Italian cooking) A kind of roll.
rotolo n. (Historical units of measure) Alternative form of rottol: a former Middle Eastern and North African…
Rotolo prop.n. A surname.
ROTOLOSrotolos n. Plural of rotolo.
Rotolos prop.n. Plural of Rotolo.
ROTOLO n. (Italian) an Italian form of rotl, a unit of weight, also ROTL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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