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There are 17 words containing OTLIN

FOOTLINGfootling adj. Trivial, silly and irritating.
footling v. Present participle of footle.
footling n. A fetus oriented so that, at birth, its foot will emerge first. A type of breech birth.
FOOTLINGSfootlings n. Plural of footling.
FOOTLING n. the act of pottering about.
HOTLINEhotline n. A telephone line that is always staffed and able to give immediate assistance.
hotline n. A direct line between two people, especially one between heads of state to be used in an emergency.
hotline v. To communicate over a telephone hotline.
HOTLINERHOTLINER n. someone running a radio call-in show.
HOTLINERSHOTLINER n. someone running a radio call-in show.
HOTLINEShotlines n. Plural of hotline.
hot␣lines n. Plural of hot line.
HOTLINE n. a direct communications system for immediate contact.
HOTLINKhotlink n. (Internet) A direct embedding of, or a hyperlink to, a resource on another server, particularly images or video.
hot␣link n. (AAVE) A spicy, heavily-peppered sausage.
HOTLINK n. an area on a website connecting to another site.
HOTLINKShotlinks n. Plural of hotlink.
hot␣links n. Plural of hot link.
HOTLINK n. an area on a website connecting to another site.
PLOTLINEplotline n. The basic plot of a story or group of stories.
plotline n. A group of stories sharing a plot.
plot␣line n. Alternative spelling of plotline.
PLOTLINESplotlines n. Plural of plotline.
plot␣lines n. Plural of plot line.
PLOTLINE n. the main story of a literary work.
POOTLINGpootling v. Present participle of pootle.
POOTLE v. to travel in no particular hurry.
POTLINEpotline n. An interconnected row of electrolytic reduction pots used in the smelting of aluminium.
POTLINE n. a row of electrolytic cells.
POTLINESpotlines n. Plural of potline.
POTLINE n. a row of electrolytic cells.
ROOTLINGrootling v. Present participle of rootle.
rootling n. A small or miniature root; a rootlet.
rootling n. A plantling just beginning to root.
TOOTLINGtootling v. Present participle of tootle.
tootling n. The sound of a tootle.
TOOTLE v. to go along casually, esp. by car; to make feeble sounds on the flute, also TOODLE.
TROTLINEtrotline n. (Fishing) A long fishing line with many shorter lines and hooks attached to it (usually suspended between buoys).
TROTLINE n. a strong fishing line.
TROTLINEStrotlines n. Plural of trotline.
TROTLINE n. a strong fishing line.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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