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There are 13 words containing OSTEA

OSTEALosteal adj. Bony.
OSTEAL adj. relating to, of or comprised of bone.
COSTEANcostean v. (Mining) To search for lodes by sinking small pits through the superficial deposits to the solid rock…
COSTEAN v. in mining, to sink pits through the surface soil to the underlying rock in order to establish the direction of a lode.
COSTEANScosteans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of costean.
COSTEAN v. in mining, to sink pits through the surface soil to the underlying rock in order to establish the direction of a lode.
ENDOSTEAendostea n. Plural of endosteum.
ENDOSTEUM n. the internal periosteum, a membrane lining the medullary capillary of a bone.
COSTEANEDcosteaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of costean.
COSTEAN v. in mining, to sink pits through the surface soil to the underlying rock in order to establish the direction of a lode.
ENDOSTEALendosteal adj. Of or pertaining to the endosteum.
ENDOSTEAL adj. relating to the endosteum, as in endosteal ossification.
PERIOSTEAperiostea n. Plural of periosteum.
PERIOSTEUM n. a tough fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones, also PERIOST.
COSTEANINGcosteaning n. (Mining) A process for discovering metallic lodes by sinking small pits through the superficial deposits…
COSTEANING n. the act of sinking pits.
PERIOSTEALperiosteal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the periosteum.
PERIOSTEAL adj. situated around bone; of or pertaining to the periosteum.
TELEOSTEANteleostean n. Any of very many ray-finned fish of the infraclass Teleostei.
TELEOSTEAN n. a type of fish, having a bony skeletons and rayed fins, also TELEOST.
COSTEANINGScosteanings n. Plural of costeaning.
COSTEANING n. the act of sinking pits.
ENDOSTEALLYendosteally adv. In the endosteum.
ENDOSTEAL adv. relating to the endosteum, as in endosteal ossification.
TELEOSTEANSteleosteans n. Plural of teleostean.
TELEOSTEAN n. a type of fish, having a bony skeletons and rayed fins, also TELEOST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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