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There are 13 words containing OSSBA

CROSSBANDcrossband n. A band going across something, especially…
crossband v. (Transitive) To arrange the layers of plywood so as to make their grains cross at right angles.
crossband adj. (Telecommunications) Receiving on one frequency band and transmitting on another.
CROSSBANDEDcrossbanded v. Simple past tense and past participle of crossband.
cross-banded adj. Alternative spelling of crossbanded.
CROSSBANDED adj. of a handrail, having the grain of the veneer run across that of the rail.
CROSSBANDINGcrossbanding v. Present participle of crossband.
crossbanding n. An arrangement or pattern of crossbands.
CROSSBANDING n. a veneer border, as on furniture, with its grain at right angles to the grain of the adjacent wood.
CROSSBANDINGScrossbandings n. Plural of crossbanding.
CROSSBANDING n. a veneer border, as on furniture, with its grain at right angles to the grain of the adjacent wood.
CROSSBANDScrossbands n. Plural of crossband.
CROSSBAND n. a horizontal bar e.g. across goalposts.
CROSSBARcrossbar n. Any transverse bar or piece, such as a bar across a door, or the iron bar or stock which passes through…
crossbar n. (Sports) The top of the goal structure.
crossbar n. The top tube of a bicycle frame.
CROSSBARREDcrossbarred adj. Secured by, or furnished with, crossbars.
crossbarred adj. Made or patterned in lines crossing each other.
CROSSBAR v. to fasten with crossarms.
CROSSBARRINGcrossbarring n. A pattern of lines crossing each other.
CROSSBARRING n. the act of fitting with a crossbar.
CROSSBARRINGSCROSSBARRING n. the act of fitting with a crossbar.
CROSSBARScrossbars n. Plural of crossbar.
CROSSBAR v. to fasten with crossarms.
MOSSBACKmossback n. (Informal) Synonym of mossyback (“a person with old-fashioned views; hence, one who is very conservative…
mossback n. (Informal, historical) A person who stayed hidden to evade conscription (especially by the Confederate…
mossback n. Senses relating to animals.
MOSSBACKEDmossbacked adj. (Informal) Having old-fashioned views; very conservative or reactionary.
MOSSBACKED adj. conservative of opinion.
MOSSBACKSmossbacks n. Plural of mossback.
MOSSBACK n. a person of antiquated views.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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