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There are 9 words containing ORMID

CORMIDIAcormidia n. Plural of cormidium.
CORMIDIUM n. (Latin) the assemblage of individuals dangling in clusters from the main stem of pelagic siphonophores.
CORMIDIUMcormidium n. (Zoology) The colonial body of a compound animal.
CORMIDIUM n. (Latin) the assemblage of individuals dangling in clusters from the main stem of pelagic siphonophores.
FORMIDABLEformidable adj. Causing fear, dread, awe, or discouragement as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive…
formidable adj. Difficult to defeat or overcome.
FORMIDABLE adj. causing fear.
FORMIDABLYformidably adv. In a formidable manner.
FORMIDABLE adv. causing fear.
INFORMIDABLEinformidable adj. (Obsolete) Not formidable; not to be feared or dreaded.
INFORMIDABLE adj. not formidable.
UNFORMIDABLEunformidable adj. Not formidable.
UNFORMIDABLE adj. not formidable.
FORMIDABILITYformidability n. The state of being formidable.
FORMIDABILITY n. the state of being formidable.
FORMIDABLENESSformidableness n. The quality of being formidable.
FORMIDABLENESS n. the state of being formidable.
FORMIDABILITIESformidabilities n. Plural of formidability.
FORMIDABILITY n. the state of being formidable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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