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There are 18 words containing OREXI

ANOREXIAanorexia n. Loss of appetite, especially as a result of disease.
anorexia n. Anorexia nervosa.
ANOREXIA n. lack of appetite.
ANOREXIASanorexias n. Plural of anorexia.
ANOREXIA n. lack of appetite.
ANOREXICanorexic adj. Pertaining to, or suffering from anorexia nervosa.
anorexic adj. (By extension) Thin, skinny, insubstantial.
anorexic n. Somebody suffering from anorexia nervosa.
ANOREXICSanorexics n. Plural of anorexic.
ANOREXIC n. one suffering from anorexia also ANORECTIC, ANORETIC.
ANOREXIESanorexies n. Plural of anorexy.
ANOREXY n. lack of appetite, also ANOREXIA.
ANOREXIGENICanorexigenic adj. (Medicine) creating or inducing a state of anorexia.
anorexigenic n. An anorexigenic agent.
ANOREXIGENIC adj. promoting or causing anorexia.
CARBOREXICcarborexic adj. Pertaining to, characteristic of, or having carborexia.
carborexic n. A person with carborexia.
CARBOREXIC n. a person who is regarded as being obsessed with reducing their carbon footprint.
CARBOREXICScarborexics n. Plural of carborexic.
CARBOREXIC n. a person who is regarded as being obsessed with reducing their carbon footprint.
HYPEROREXIAHYPEROREXIA n. compulsive overeating.
HYPEROREXIASHYPEROREXIA n. compulsive overeating.
OREXINorexin n. (Biochemistry) Either of two neuropeptide hormones found in vertebrates; the hypocretins.
OREXIN n. a hormone that stimulates the appetite and is thought to be important for sleep regulation.
OREXINSorexins n. Plural of orexin.
OREXIN n. a hormone that stimulates the appetite and is thought to be important for sleep regulation.
OREXISorexis n. (Psychology) The affective and conative character of mental activity as contrasted with its cognitive…
OREXIS n. (Greek) an appetite.
OREXISESOREXIS n. (Greek) an appetite.
ORTHOREXIAorthorexia n. (Psychology) A fixation with healthy or righteous eating.
ORTHOREXIA n. an eating disorder characterized by excessive focus on eating healthy foods.
ORTHOREXIASORTHOREXIA n. an eating disorder characterized by excessive focus on eating healthy foods.
TANOREXICtanorexic adj. Relating to, or suffering from, tanorexia.
tanorexic n. Somebody suffering from tanorexia.
TANOREXIC n. a person obsessed with maintaining a permanent deep tan, esp. through use of tanning machines.
TANOREXICStanorexics n. Plural of tanorexic.
TANOREXIC n. a person obsessed with maintaining a permanent deep tan, esp. through use of tanning machines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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