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There are 20 words containing ORDAT

CEPHALOCHORDATEcephalochordate n. Any of the primitive fishlike creatures, of the subphylum Cephalochordata, including the lancelets…
cephalochordate adj. Of or pertaining to these creatures.
CEPHALOCHORDATE n. any of a number of chordate fishlike animals (including the lancelets and amphioxus), having a persisting notochord projecting beyond the nerve cord to the end of the snout.
CHORDATEchordate n. A member of the phylum Chordata; numerous animals having a notochord at some stage of their development;…
chordate adj. Of such animals.
CHORDATE n. an animal having a backbone.
CHORDATESchordates n. Plural of chordate.
CHORDATE n. an animal having a backbone.
CONCORDATconcordat n. A formal agreement between two parties, especially between a church and a state; specifically, an agreement…
CONCORDAT n. (French) an agreement between the pope and a secular government.
CONCORDATSconcordats n. Plural of concordat.
CONCORDAT n. (French) an agreement between the pope and a secular government.
CORDATEcordate n. (Philosophy) Any animal with a heart.
cordate n. (Archaeology) A heart-shaped hand axe.
cordate n. Misspelling of chordate.
CORDATELYcordately adv. In a cordate form.
CORDATE adv. heart-shaped.
HEMICHORDATEhemichordate n. (Biology) Any of many marine worms, of the phylum Hemichordata, that have a primitive notochord.
hemichordate adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of these animals.
HEMICHORDATE n. a kind of marine worm.
HEMICHORDATEShemichordates n. Plural of hemichordate.
HEMICHORDATE n. a kind of marine worm.
OBCORDATEobcordate adj. (Botany, of a leaf) Of a reversed cordate shape; heart-shaped but attached to the stalk by the pointed end.
OBCORDATE adj. of e.g. a leaf, inversely heart-shaped and attached by the point.
PROTOCHORDATEprotochordate n. Any chordate of the phyla Hemichordata, Urochordata or Cephalochordata.
PROTOCHORDATE n. a member of the Protochordata.
PROTOCHORDATESprotochordates n. Plural of protochordate.
PROTOCHORDATE n. a member of the Protochordata.
RECORDATIONrecordation n. (Law) The act of giving legal status to a document by making it an official public record.
RECORDATION n. remembrance, recording.
RECORDATIONSrecordations n. Plural of recordation.
RECORDATION n. remembrance, recording.
SCORDATOSCORDATO adv. (Italian) put out of tune.
SCORDATURAscordatura n. (Music) cross-tuning.
SCORDATURA n. (Italian) a temporary departure from the normal tuning of a stringed instrument.
SCORDATURASSCORDATURA n. (Italian) a temporary departure from the normal tuning of a stringed instrument.
SUBCORDATEsubcordate adj. Somewhat cordate; approaching a heart shape.
SUBCORDATE adj. somewhat cordate; somewhat like a heart in shape.
UROCHORDATEurochordate n. (Zoology) Any marine invertebrate of the subphylum Urochordata; the sea squirts.
UROCHORDATE n. a member of the Urochordata, tunicates.
UROCHORDATESurochordates n. Plural of urochordate.
UROCHORDATE n. a member of the Urochordata, tunicates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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