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There are 17 words containing ORCHA

LORCHAlorcha n. (Nautical) A kind of light vessel used on the coast of China, having the hull built on a European model…
LORCHA n. (Portuguese) a light vessel of European build, like a Chinese junk.
MORCHAmorcha n. (India) A gathering of like-minded people protesting for a cause.
MORCHA n. (Hindi) a hostile demonstration against the government.
ORCHATORCHAT n. an area where fruit trees are grown, also ORCHARD.
LORCHASlorchas n. Plural of lorcha.
LORCHA n. (Portuguese) a light vessel of European build, like a Chinese junk.
MORCHASmorchas n. Plural of morcha.
MORCHA n. (Hindi) a hostile demonstration against the government.
ORCHARDorchard n. A garden or an area of land for the cultivation of fruit or nut trees.
orchard n. The trees themselves cultivated in such an area.
Orchard prop.n. A topographic surname.
ORCHATSorchats n. Plural of orchat.
ORCHAT n. an area where fruit trees are grown, also ORCHARD.
ORCHARDSorchards n. Plural of orchard.
Orchards prop.n. Plural of Orchard.
ORCHARD n. an area where fruit trees are grown, also ORCHAT.
TORCHABLEtorchable adj. Able to be torched.
TORCHABLE adj. that can be torched.
ORCHARDINGorcharding n. The growing of fruit in an orchard.
orcharding n. The hobby of visiting orchards. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
ORCHARDING n. the cultivation of orchards.
ORCHARDISTorchardist n. One who owns or operates an orchard.
ORCHARDIST n. one who cultivates an orchard.
ORCHARDMANorchardman n. A man who owns or tends an orchard.
ORCHARDMAN n. one who grows and sells orchard fruits.
ORCHARDMENorchardmen n. Plural of orchardman.
ORCHARDMAN n. one who grows and sells orchard fruits.
ORCHARDINGSORCHARDING n. the cultivation of orchards.
ORCHARDISTSorchardists n. Plural of orchardist.
ORCHARDIST n. one who cultivates an orchard.
ORCHARDGRASSorchardgrass n. Any of various grasses of the genus Dactylis, especially Dactylis glomerata.
orchard␣grass n. Alternative spelling of orchardgrass.
ORCHARDGRASSESorchardgrasses n. Plural of orchardgrass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 34 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 350 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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