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There are 10 words containing ORBAN

ABSORBANCEabsorbance n. (Physics) A logarithmic measure of the amount of light that is absorbed when passing through a substance;…
ABSORBANCE n. the ability of a substance to absorb radiation.
ABSORBANCESabsorbances n. Plural of absorbance.
ABSORBANCE n. the ability of a substance to absorb radiation.
ABSORBANCIESabsorbancies n. Plural of absorbancy.
ABSORBANCY n. the state of being absorbent, also ABSORBENCY.
ABSORBANCYabsorbancy n. (Physics) Alternative form of absorbency.
ABSORBANCY n. the state of being absorbent, also ABSORBENCY.
ABSORBANTabsorbant adj. Alternative spelling of absorbent.
absorbant n. Alternative spelling of absorbent.
ABSORBANT adj. able to absorb.
ABSORBANTSabsorbants n. Plural of absorbant.
ABSORBANT n. an absorbant substance, also ABSORBENT.
CORBANcorban n. An offering to God, especially in fulfilment of a vow.
corban n. An alms basket; a vessel to receive gifts of charity; a treasury of the church, where offerings are deposited.
CORBAN n. (Hebrew) anything offered to God in fulfilment of a vow.
CORBANScorbans n. Plural of corban.
CORBAN n. (Hebrew) anything offered to God in fulfilment of a vow.
TORBANITEtorbanite n. A variety of coal, derived from colonial algae, that looks like carbonaceous shale.
TORBANITE n. a shale, almost a coal, once mined for oil at Torbane Hill in Scotland.
TORBANITEStorbanites n. Plural of torbanite.
TORBANITE n. a shale, almost a coal, once mined for oil at Torbane Hill in Scotland.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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